New Batteries: It’s Not All Hype

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Despite dozens of press releases on new battery technologies being released every week, not much is happening. This is why I don't talk about battery tech any more. But recently I read an interesting study about the hype cycle of battery technology. Let’s have a look.


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#science #sciencenews #technology #hypecycle

コメント (21)
  • I've often wondered where the Gartner Hype Cycle itself is on the Gartner Hype Cycle
  • “ The Trough of Disillusionment “ pretty much describes my life since 2009.
  • The problem with new battery tech is not what is possible, its what can be mass produced and had a long usuable lifespan. Most new battery tech fails at one or both of these checks. So when the press will glow about capacity or charge time and skip over those two points, then you know its bunk.
  • I didn't know I wanted a unicorn that does my taxes before I saw this video but now that is the only thing I want.
  • CATL has 18,000 (yes eighteen thousand) engineers and technicians working in R&D alone. 250 of which hold doctorates.
  • You missed the opportunity here to write in the thumbnail "Charge is coming"
  • There is also the category of battery storage, which can be divided into three main categories: fixed storage, transportation storage, and personal device storage. Each of these categories can be further subdivided. 1. Fixed Storage: • Grid Storage • Home Energy Storage • Commercial and Industrial Storage • Utility-Scale Storage 2. Transportation Storage: • Electric Vehicles (EVs) • Hybrid Vehicles • Electric Bikes and Scooters • Marine Batteries • Aerospace Batteries 3. Personal Device Storage: • Smartphones • Laptops and Tablets • Wearables • Portable Chargers • Portable Medical Devices each catagory could demad a diffrent type of battery.
  • Her analogising the “hype cycle” to her New Year’s resolutions is a perfect example of what I love about Sabines work
  • I'm sorry but cars that run on fusion was invented before 2015. I watched this documentary where you could power a car on a banana and a beer can utilizing a Mr. Fusion device. It was called "back to the future 2" if you're interested in learning more about science
  • In Canada electric power milk trucks achieved 25 MPH and delivered dairy products reliably. This practice began in the 1950s & ended in the 60s. The batteries slid in on rollers and were changed as needed. The oil boom arguably overwhelmed any desire to continue.
  • @Voltastik
    Sabine inspired me to make my own YT channel. Thank you! 💛
  • @voinea12
    As far as I know Sodium-Ion is currently the only new battery you can actually buy as a normal person
  • @HL65536
    I'm in the "I believe it when I can buy it from a reputable vendor" camp. Fun fact: I'm currently watching this video on my PC that is powered by a prismatic LFP battery, charged by nuclear fusion power (solar panel).
  • Why isn't there a pit of ignorance hidden on the path to disillusionment, before the boat of productivity sails without delay?
  • I can't wait 5-10 years for those sodium-lithium batteries. Then I can be charged with a salted battery... 👉😎👉
  • @nmrnm137
    Thing is, for all the naysaying over the years, lithium ion batteries have in fact improved significantly over the past 20 years. I remember when Nokia phones used to have 1000 to 1400 mAh stubby but thick Li-Ion batteries, but now we routinely see 4000 to 5000 mAh batteries in much slimmer (although bigger horizontally and vertically) phones. The two things that reverse the undeniable progress of batteries is much more power hungry workloads - phones these days do a LOT more than play Snake and take GSM quality calls, but people also use their phones for much MUCH longer periods of time. Nobody was glued to their phone for hours at a time in the 90s and early 00s. Battery technology improvements are hyped way too much in the near term, but people are totally oblivious to how much better things have gotten over a 10 or 20 year time span.
  • One battery feture that is generally overlooked is operational temperature range. Vehicles have a wide temperature range in which they must operate. Charging and dischargine need to be effective at extreme temperatures before they are practical for many things, including vehicles.
  • Thanks so much for creating and sharing this informative video. Great job. Keep it up.