Glycoprotein Rap Extra Credit Video

Made By: Vanessa Sims (Bell 1), Mia Hilkowitz (Bell 3), and Ella Caudill (Bell 3)

The DNA is the protein's building plan;
The ribosome is the protein's service man.
It carries out instructions from the DNA;
Then packaged by the rough E.R. to get away.
Once in the vesicles the proteins move along;
But only with the help from the mitochondrion.
It produces energy called ATP;
Which gives the power to move the motor proteins.
Moving the vesicles along the cytoskeleton;
That's motor proteins for you, yeah that's relevant.
The vesicle drops the proteins off at the golgi body;
Carbohydrate molecules are added to everybody.
The glycoprotein is finally formed;
YES! That means this meeting is adjourned.
But wait just a minute, not just yet;
The glycoprotein is shipped off, so sure you can bet.
Sent to the cell membrane, that's where it continues;
Used for cell to cell communications for no issues.
Glycoproteins allow your immune cells;
To fight back and attack foreign bombshells.
Foreign bombshells have foreign glycoproteins;
Make sure to stay healthy and eat your soy beans.