The Queen died and this happened Prom 70

Published 2022-09-09

All Comments (21)
  • @dwilborn1257
    As a musician, I have never heard that much silence from an audience. There's almost always someone coughing or shuffling about in their seat. It was almost like no one wanted to leave that moment.
  • It is May 13th, 2024 as I listen to this; and it still brings tears to my eyes. A symbol of our heritage, traditions and dignity has left the world, never to return. May we forever remember and do our best to emulate the example we've been privileged to witness.
  • @Blue0cean
    Thank you England for reminding the world about Grace, Dignity and Class!
  • @sweetpeas8206
    Only fitting for an American orchestra to honor the late Queen. The day after 9/11, she honored the US and the American lives lost in the World Trade Center attacks by playing the U.S. national anthem at her public appearance. Class act m’am. You were truly a wonderful leader.
  • @jillosler9353
    Respect for a remarkable woman who didn't lecture about one's duty - she practiced it for over 70 years. 🇬🇧
  • @robert3302
    I cannot imagine Britain without the Monarchy. No one would do this for a politician.
  • She was more than a Queen. She represented a way of life - that we all know is being taken from us all, worldwide.
  • @Laudon1228
    American here, don’t believe in monarchy, but Queen Elizabeth II, with the extraordinary example of her father King George VI (one of The Britain’s greatest monarchs IMO) learned sacrifice and steadfastness in duty. During Britain’s darkest hour, she served her country with her sleeves rolled up, not stinting to take on a vital, unglamorous, challenging task. She was no nonsense, with grace and dignity. I very much doubt we will see her like again. God rest her soul.
  • Beautiful, brought me to tears. No one will ever replace Queen Elizabeth II.
  • @q.e.d.9112
    I was eight years old. My school was in a large old mansion and our classroom was up on the top, attic floor. I think we had been in class for only a short time after our morning break. Suddenly, we heard heavy footsteps and laboured breathing coming up the steep stairs to our class-room. The door burst open and a distraught Mrs Wass, our elderly and ample “housekeeper”, came in weeping and gasping. She pretty much collapsed into the seat that Miss Greaves (I worshipped Miss Greaves) offered her and finally blurted out, “Oh, Miss, oh, Miss. God save us. The poor King is dead.” She then burst out sobbing, couldn’t catch her breath and had to be revived with the “smelling salts” that Miss Greaves produced from her bag. Yeah! I know. Different times, eh? Needless to say, this had thoroughly captured the whole class’s attention and, after Mrs Wass had been comforted, soothed and accompanied downstairs, Miss Greaves told us all about the Royal Family and our new Queen. Then word came that we were being sent home early. I felt “ever so” grown up, buying the early edition of the evening paper instead of my tuppence worth of sweets. Mum hadn’t heard and when she, too, burst into tears I was totally non-plussed. George VI had only reigned for seventeen years but his steadfastness during the war had earned him the love and respect of my parent’s generation. He taught his daughter well and she inherited his strength of character and sense of duty. Farewell, Queen of all our lifetimes. If all you had ever achieved was to represent a personification of your realm - our nation - then your quiet purpose, modest demeanour, honest commitment and senses of both duty and humour are characteristics any nation would surely be proud to claim.
  • I still can't get my head round the fact there is no more Queen Elizabeth II in our midst. A constant and a ubiquitous presence my whole life. Such a huge loss 🌹
  • @gg79139
    As a professional musician applause is a wonderful acknowledgment, however there are those moments when the last note lifts into the air, it floats there and if the job has been done just right that silence is golden, hearts are full and the rich beauty of the music lives.
  • You can say what you like about Britain, but when it comes down to it, we know how to do things properly. And props to the Philadelphia Symphony which played magnificently....
  • @bmused55
    Can we take a moment to acknowledge the fact the orchestra played the anthem perfectly and with no prior warning or practice. And it wasn't even their anthem. Bravo. Absolutely beautiful.
  • Never again will the world see a Head of State, King or Queen or President as well admired, respected and loved as her late Majesty was. R.I.P. Your Majesty 😢
  • @alliecollin1748
    Brit here.....THAT was a GORGEOUS rendition of our National Anthem.....🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💕
  • That seriously has to be the most dignified act of grief andrespect ever witnessed,the emotional support to the Royal family and the Nation surpasses all other acts. No cheering nothing but unified silence from every part of the Hall. Thankyou.
  • @kevinjohn725
    Thank you your service to our country. You will never be forgotten, R.I.P your Majesty