The BIG MYTH Behind Heart Disease & What ACTUALLY CAUSES It! |Dr. Elizabeth Boham & Mark Hyman

We have all heard that the secret to living a long, healthy, heart disease-free life is lowering your cholesterol, but is that really true? The reality is, most of us have little understanding about our cholesterol levels in our blood and the whole topic is much more complicated than we thought. Moreover, the standard cholesterol testing is outdated because it doesn’t check for particle size and particle number, and this information is what is needed to tell what’s really going on with your cholesterol. ⁣

In this episode, Dr. Hyman sits down with Dr. Elizabeth Boham to discuss why cholesterol is only one factor in determining your overall health. They also discuss the factors that influence your cholesterol and whether or not statin drugs are the most effective way to prevent heart attacks.⁣

Elizabeth Boham is a physician and nutritionist who practices functional medicine at The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Through her practice and lecturing she has helped thousands of people achieve their goals of optimum health and wellness. She witnesses the power of nutrition every day in her practice and is committed to training other physicians to utilize nutrition in healing. Dr. Boham has contributed to many articles and wrote the latest chapter on Obesity for the Rankel Textbook of Family Medicine. She is part of the faculty of the Institute for Functional Medicine and has been featured on the Dr. Oz show and in a variety of publications and media including Huffington Post, The Chalkboard Magazine, and Experience Life. Her DVD Breast Wellness: Tools to Prevent and Heal from Breast Cancer explores the functional medicine approach to keeping your breasts and whole body well.⁣

For more information, please visit⁣

This episode is brought to you by Perfect Keto. Right now, Perfect Keto is offering Doctor’s Farmacy listeners 20% off plus free shipping with the code DRMARK. Just go to, and make sure you try their Nut Butters and Keto Cookies.⁣

コメント (21)
  • I recently went to my doctor for my yearly blood test to get my thyroid meds renewed. During my visit, I asked my doc to order a fasting INSULIN level so that I could see how insulin resistant I was. I figured I was pre-diabetic. She REFUSED to order that test for me. she said they only order tests in order to do TREATMENT ( MEANING DRUGS). So, she was refusing to help me PREVENT getting diabetes, but would then treat me with drugs once I acquired it. I was gobsmacked! Needless to say, she is now my FORMER doctor.
  • @lisalu910
    Twelve years ago - in my mid 40s - I was told by a doctor that I could expect to die of heart disease at almost any time if I didn't immediately begin taking Lipitor. My total cholesterol was about 250 at the time. Now this prediction was NOT based on any diagnosed heart disease or even any tests of my heart function, it was based SOLELY on my cholesterol level even though I am a normal weight and I have always exercised regularly. I refused Lipitor but decided to try a very low cholesterol diet and daily oatmeal to lower it. After two months of a restrictive diet of 100 mg cholesterol/day plus oatmeal every day, my total cholesterol INCREASED to 265! A couple of years ago it was up to 312 at which point my doctor insisted on a coronary calcium scan - her intent being to scare me into complying with the statins. When my score came back ZERO, she didn't say another word.
  • My grand mother cooked with animal fat all the time. Everybody used to tell them they are gonna have a heart attack. My grand father died of other health complications after 80 and my grand mother 87, still alive and going places. No walking stick needed but both were active people and always ate food made from scratch.
  • I'm 56yo veteran and I've had a high triglycerides and in turn, high Cholesterol condition for over 15 years. I'm still fairly fit, able to jog 5 miles in under an hour at least 3 times a week and nowhere near obese at 6ft 168lbs. I've always eaten what I considered until recently, a balanced and 'healthy' low fat diet yet with just enough calories for my activity levels yet, I had this issue for decades. The DRs at the VA told me it was 'hereditary' and that I was at very high risk of heart failure although my cardiovascular capacity is great and my resting heart rate was well under 60bpm and BP like clockwork. They couldn't however tell me what to do to resolve my situation other than put me on statins and, after I had a severe reaction to Lipitor, on fenofibrate (Tricor) and suggested to cut all fat and alcohol and to consult a dietician. The Dietician in turn, suggested I cut ALL fats from my diet and to load up on vegetables and grains. Obvioulsly, the condition persisted and in fact, triglycerides wen up, although I didn't feel particularly in bad health really. I started doing my own research and read up on what the heck were triglycerides and how they worked. After much consideration I simply decided to try cutting ALL or almost all carbohydrates, processed sugars and vegetable oils from my diet for 30 days and replace them with good quality animal proteins and fats. Well, what do you know?! It freaking worked! I've been 120+ days into a Carnivore Diet (ruminant meat, fat and all, eggs, bacon, salt and water and yes, a very occasional fruit or vegetable) and without Fenofibrate medication and all those conditions are now gone with test results to back it up. In addition, I sleep lot better, my post exercise recovery is faster and joint pains are way less. Even my toe nails, hair and sinuses stuffiness have improved. My Dr at the VA seemed surprised and couldn't explain it, but was VERY quick to warn me about 'Liver failure' if I continued with the 'Lion Diet', LOL! I've come to the conclusion that most Drs don't know what the eff they're talking about or simply, don't bother to keep up with their profession. They are simply too happy to repeat the FDA and CDC BS and prescribe 'magic pills' for everything. By the way, my latest lab results as of last week are TGL 80, CHOL 180, HDL42.4, LDL 180, VLDL 16 and Glucose at 90 . Compare those to my early December '22 results at TGL 191, CHOL 242, HDL 42.4, LDL162, VLDL (calc) 38 and Glucose at 120. In the past, my triglycerides went up to close to 400 in some occasions so TGL at 80 is a HUGE WIN for me, no thanks to the doctors. They've been lying to us and that's simply criminal or pure incompetence. From now until I die I will always 2nd guess a 'normie Dr's' opinion.
  • Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease but it is the cause of increased profits for pharmaceutical corporations that really care about your health.
  • @ddundeez
    My Dad gone at 59 bc of stroke and heart attack. His doctor never talked about these sort of knowledge and understanding. He only gave a medication. And i'm blessed to be here and listen to this podcast.
  • My recent cholesterol test came in at 8.0. I eat well, intermittent fast, don't drink alcohol and do full body workouts 3x a week and am 45 years old. My body fat is about 15% too. There is no way I'm taking a statin. By every other metric I'm a healthy person.
  • My mother in law turns 90 this year. She has cooked all her own food from scratch her entire life. No health issues other than arthritis in her knees from years of gardening. So when her doctor recently diagnosed her with high cholesterol and prescribed statins. This exact same scenario happened with my grandmother but she took the statins and guess what happened? Her always sharp mind deteriorated very quickly. So we learned our lesson and told my mother in law not to take them.
  • Thank God, I've never taken Statins as per My GP's prescription. It was just wee bit higher than the border line. I was never overweight or even unhealthy. He just got some tests done and freaked me out how dangerous this result was... I started exercising a bit more and watched my weight and also started Intermittent Fasting. Stopped all bad oils, increased good fats, good proteins and avoided fructose as much as I could. So far so relaxing.. we need these types of lectures as TV shows for people watch rubbish shows for hours. At least you get to learn something useful
  • @Lenzer50
    I’ve been doing Keto, IF and ACV for over 3 years and reversed my fatty liver, all my health problems went away, my arthritis is 80% better and my blood pressure dropped to 127/81, I’m 60 and don’t remember ever having normal blood pressure.
  • Could someone just put together a list of tests we should have, not what our doctors recommend so we can just give it to our doctors or order them ourselves: cholesterol types, trigs, cac, a1c, etc etc. My head just spins listening to all of these podcasts…I just need a list
  • It’s not that I don’t like dr Hyman, but he won’t SHUT UP
  • I have LDL 277 my ratio Triglyceride /HDL ratio is 1.20 and H1AC is 5.5. I am doing intermittent fasting since mid April average 16 hours at least 6 days a week; its becomes normal now. I have lost my belly and my weight is similar as when I was in high school. I am 61. If I would have known about Intermittent fasting before, I would have not taken statin several years ago. I refuse to take even headaches pills. FYI, I have learned to eat only when I am hungry.
  • My elder brother who studied biology/biochemistry in college and was taking the Air Force's pharmaceutical courses at the time, told me back in 1974 that the issue was not cholesterol or saturated fats, but the issue was polyunsaturated fats and blood sugar, which form the artery blocking compounds. In the 1990's I attended a local American Chemical Society meeting where one of the presentations was about the body's metabolic pathway where it takes blood sugar and polyunsaturated fats and converts them into arachinoidic acid, which was considered one of the building blocks of the clogs....
  • @imaprinta
    This is great informatuon, but why did Dr. Hyman bother to have a guest on when he was going to do most of the talking? Geez, he made me anxious because almost every time he asked something he would interrupt and finish her thoughts.
  • True! My Grandma had high cholesterol in her early forties . However , she lived to be 96. She had an active life and rarely ate meat. To her meat was an occasional treat. Lots of veggies , rice, legumes and greens .
  • Several months ago, my doctor told me my LDL was too high and must take medication immediately, otherwise I would have heart attack in a few years. I told him my LDL has been higher than normal for 30+ years. And I am still alive and well.
  • "Stuck in this paradigm of treating the symptom".............been saying that for decades about a LOT of things. This is a very informative vid, so thanks to both of you.
  • @kweirmeir
    Absolutely insane that this isn't common knowledge yet, and that the health authorities are too paralyzed to act. It's criminal.