Letter For Doctors Benzo Withdrawal Help

Publicado 2022-12-15
If you are in benzo withdrawal/BIND and want a short letter to give a medical professional who is not educated about benzo withdrawal, please use this link to download a copy:

Please let me know in the comments below what other topics you'd like for me to cover.

Todos los comentarios (15)
  • I'm 6 months off all the pills! Your videos and experiences of other people helped me to come off after 5 years tapering experiences and 40 years benzo use! Now 72 years old. Feeling better every month! Thank you ❤
  • @brendamalone3880
    Dear Dr Jen, I found the letter! Thanks I hope my Dr will be open to this.
  • Dear Dr Jen I have booked an individual session with you for the 17th of January. Could you please talk about nightmares as I am having increasing nightmares and my sleep is becoming more disturbed even though I am only on 5 milligrams is Valium each day. I wake out of the nightmares with my whole nervous system firing off with incredible excitation which is causing more and more nerve pain and I don't know how to navigate the night times as they are full of anxiety and thank you so much for all your support
  • @brendamalone3880
    Bless you once again for your support. I. Can’t seem to find the letter for doctors. That would be a great way to to start with them. 17 months off Kolonipin, I need a dr to believe me about what benzos did and are still doing to me. Much love Jen. Thanks again
  • What happens when you're too sick to get off it? Was put on it due to a Dr injury which is still present, was forced into a taper which wrecked my health more, I lost it mentally and physically more, found someone who halted taper due to health state, I'm too sick to get off but I know it's making me sick on it, the severe health challenges and abuse did not fair well in the middle of this, I was in active withdrawal before being tapered, coming down made it worse, fearing death, so sick, struggling severely spiritually which makes this even scarier, feeling incapable of faith and all these doubts especially with salvation when I'm this sick is terrifying, 1-2 hrs broken sleep for months, look 70 lbs, can't hardly eat, GI not moving well, think adrenals are shot, can't get out of fight flight freeze so I'm always surging, react horribly to anything I put in my body, severe PTSD and trauma from all I go thru, did have some pre-existing health issues before I was put on X, which i didn't know what it was, Dr got me up to 6 mg a day, now sitting at 2.75, too much going on, the terror and nightmares and daily non stop physical suffering is too much, if the surging could just stop I feel like I could handle things, any advice for physical emotional or spiritual, so scared of dying soon from everything and not being saved, can't think or be when actively surging all the time, body and brain can't handle stress at all or recover, need supernatural help, I don't know what is coming from what at this point
  • @j.d.5555
    My doctor wont even read the Ashton manual to help me taper off X safely. Im now 6mths into a rapid taper and withdrawals are horrific. Can you help me in locating a benzo smart doctor in Ontario Canada, as ive had no luck and am now desparate.
  • Tried to message you as i cant book but message wont go thru on website
  • @JacquiQ
  • @lizasantua9653
    Dear dr.jen please help me benzo withraw .05 at night my dr neurology she benzo and stilnox stop your medicine because i have sick burning mounth sysdrome or MS she did give a mebicine until the two medicine is not stopped she give me ldn 4.5mg for my chronic pain im stay in the philippines
  • @michaelthau1007
    Hi Dr Your videos are absolutely wonderful!! Thank you for all the content. Im 53 and was prescribed 0.75mg of klonopin at bed for 2 years for anxiety and panic. I was new to this and was not offered a safer medication like Buspar. I did a 6 month taper and have been off for 11 months. My big issue Dr is that it left me with chronic insomnia that will not go away for 2 years. My previous Dr said this is not possible, but I never experienced insomnia before taking this drug. Is chronic insomnia possible from this medication? Will it ever go away? I literally have tried everything. God Bless you Happy New Year
  • @vwalker1040
    Can a benzo withdrawal taper be too long? I’ve been tapering 1 mg of Ativan on my own for a year now and am down to .18 mg. It’s probably going to take another 3 months…am I doing more damage by slowing the taper down at this low dose? My symptoms seem to be getting worse as I go down.
  • @aashish551
    Dr jenn. I cold turkeyed 10 months back. I have extreme back pain and weakness in my left leg and left Hand. I got a mri it shows bulging disc in neck and back. Am frustrated pls help me or I will end up killing myself. Already suffered a lot. I feel trapped I have a small 6 year old son to take care. Pls help me 😢 😭