Shawn Johnson - Uneven Bars - 2008 Olympics All Around

Shawn Johnson - Uneven Bars - 2008 Olympics All Around

コメント (21)
  • Shawn Johnson should show the USA men how to stick a double double layout dismount
  • To me Shawn is one of the greatest of all time. She is powerful and extremely clean in her execution. Even if her bars routine isn't her strong point, there is barely any leg separation at all and she sticks her dismount which is one of the hardest dismounts ever. I really think she's unique. I have yet to see a gymnast that performs such difficult skills with the same amount of power and precision. Her knees never bend, her feet are always pointed and her form is just impeccable. Perfect combination of difficult elements and clean execution.
  • Shawn’s bars are so underrated. She doesn’t have the most difficulty, but she was so consistent and clean. Her form is beautiful!
  • all of the Olympic gymnasts are insanely talented. No need to compare them ✌🏼
  • i dont get why people compare Nastia and Shawn. they are completely different. even their body type.. shawn is a muscular compact gymnast and nastia is more about lines and elegance. shawn struggles on bars it isn't her strong point, every gymnast has that event. they are both amazing gymnasts and shouldn't be compared!
  • @sraphael
    I love how after every event at the 08 Olympics, Chow was there with a hug for Shawn every time. What an amazing young woman she is. I have every finger and toe crossed for her making it to London this year.
  • That's our little Iowa beauty. Whole state proud of her. 🎖🎖🎖
  • I absolutely love Shawn Johnson!!! My favorite gymnast of all time.
  • That dismount though!!! Worth the price of admission alone.
  • Shawn Johnson is such a Class Act. Very professional character. Really enjoy watching this young lady. Even today.
  • And now she’s about to have a kid. Time goes by so quick. 💕
  • Shawn Johnson and her husband have a YouTube channel. They are incredibly adorable.
  • @TheChels54
    Shawn was definitey underscored at the olympics. And in my oppinion, she deserved the AA more than Nastia