7. Leaving Jehovah’s Witnesses - Disfellowshipping and shunning of former JW members and family

Published 2023-03-15
Jehovah’s Witnesses are known for their customary shunning of anyone who either commits sin or disagrees with their theology. They remove such individuals from the congregation through a form of excommunication called disfellowshipping. The recent shooting in Germany prompted me to examine this practice. What example does God set in his dealings? How should we scripturally approach sin and a sinner? Just a few of the questions I ask. Please share, subscribe and comment!

All Comments (21)
  • @bevmeier5747
    Thank you so much am 82 all my life as a witness till 2020 at 80 walked away . Your message was powerful and correct . I too have grown spiritually so much by reading and prayer with GODS WORD . many blessings to you 🌻💝🙏🙏🙏
  • Excellent brilliant points! I've been disfellowshipped since I was 18 years old in 1989 and I'm still disfellowshipped shunned by my family, parents, my only sibling, and childhood friends. I'm now 52 years old, never been reinstated, my father's now an elder in the Jehovah's Witness organization, and both are my parents are in their 70s. It still hurts and is very traumatizing even now to be cut off treated like I'm dead. Disfellowshipping and shunning is inhumane and is a vindictive tactic. In my case I was a regular pioneer when I was disfellowshipped and baptized at age 14, the elders disfellowshipped me to make an example out of me and refused to reinstate me for over 30 years out of personal vendetta. Thank you so very much for your beautiful well informed video. God bless you tremendously!
  • @tniero3652
    I really don’t think people understand that as a JW you can only associate and build relationships with friends in family who are ONLY JW’s. When you are Disfellowshipped and shunned you are left to survive on your own. Some of us don’t make it. Everything you have ever known or love is ripped away!
  • When one of my friends was shunned, he called me. My JW robotic brain told him to not call me again. Many years later, I ran into him and he told me that he almost committed suicide when I told him that I would no longer be his friend. That woke me up!
  • I am glad to see lots of people waking up from the JWs nightmare. Congratulations to you and many that are trying to leave. Standup against the wrong teachings of the Watchtower.
  • Excellent points. I will pray that your family and friends realize as you did, that the organization is just a group of men and nothing to do with God. And that they will join you in the light of day and begin thinking clearly for themselves in the love of Him.
  • Great wonderful presentziony It clearly fisptoves the judicial commmittees Shunning is a great to drive people over the edge.
  • Lovely clear explanation. Excellent. May help to explain to non witnesses why certain things happen and why the number of suicides among witnesses or witness-associated people is so high.
  • You have some very good observations, and I absolutely LOVE your attitude! I was raised a witness and left over 20 years ago. Our family was very prominent in the JW community. I never disassociated myself because I didn't want to be the one to close the door on the people I had known and loved all my life. Of course few ever talked to me willingly after I stopped attending because I was a "bad associate", but I still greet the witnesses I know. I was even able to have lunch this past summer with the man who married my wife and me. So many Witnesses are genuinely kind people, in spite of being Jehovah's Witnesses. My heart goes out to them because most are so misled. Others, like my father, are too entrenched and feel trapped.
  • @tniero3652
    The JW’s are mostly afraid that those of us who have woke up will wake up others, and then there would be no JW😮faith. It’s really horrible.
  • @matilda4406
    "confess sins to one another", that's what it says, yes, not to elders. I believe each point you said and worked out the same before we left in 2017. It's nice to know I'm not going mad.. haha I came to the same conclusions myself by reading the Bible at home. Same. Not by countless hours listening to egotistical men spout from the platform. Yes blood is on the elders' hands. Yes it is. They are guilty as hell.
  • Thank you very much for your insight into shunning it is unloving not call for you have very good points about it I've never been a witness but I've studied with them and I disagree totally for what they are saying all they care about is money that is their god thank you again take care
  • Lovely to hear my own accent. I'm from Carlisle X ❤ love and light ❤😊
  • Thanks for sharing this! It is very kind to share your experience. Spirituality is now fun and beautiful after leaving. I had your first heal though.
  • 18:52 glad you are doing well and thriving despite the despicable treatment that the cults show in their true nature like you said the shunning process is a form of public execution.
  • Belief…Faith in the finished work on the cross. Is what saves. Belief. God Bless Sister
  • @connormusic9274
    Your comments at around 15 minutes in, actually struck me with a powerful point. You said something along the lines of "how cruel it is to believe that any person or group of persons can cut you off from God." "We do not have that kind of power!" How very true sister! It made me recall the Apostle Paul's words to the Romans at Romans 8: 33-39. I just gleaned a new perspective actually reading the context of a scripture I've read verbatim for over 50 years! Paul wrote, "Who will file accusations against God's chosen ones? God is the one that declares them righteous,......and Christ is the one who pleads for us.......For I am convinced that neither death not life, nor angels, nor governments,..nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God' s love that is in Christ Jesus,"........ So these abusive elders can stick it where the sun doesn't shine; because Jehovah knows the heart of a person, and so does his Son, the Christ. So Paul again condemned the brothers for setting themselves up as judges over their brothers and sisters over petty and personal matters of conscience, at Romans 14: 10, "Why do you judge your brother, or look down on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgement seat of God." Very informative and reasonable talk, there sister! Not to mention that you're really cute too! 😉 As a former elder and instructor of ministry schools for 26 years; I appreciate our sisters who are able to think critically, and use their powers of reason, as exhorted at Romans 12: 1. I was unscripturally shunned by elders who think that they can stand between me and my God Jehovah. Or between me and my family. Guess who wins? They have no idea of how much strength God has given me during this period of readjustment and waking up to organizational corruption! 😆 Just wait and see what happens soon. 😊