THE A500 Mini Loading ProTracker

THE A500 Mini playing a mod in ProTracker

コメント (14)
  • I've been really baffled by the absence of people making tracker music on this thing. seems like a great device for it.
  • @ButeSound
    Hot damn, if octamed will run ok I am all in. Please show
  • My first thought when the mini was announced! Glad to see it actually works. You'd think there'd be loads of folk buying the mini specifically for the tracker software, since a Polyend Tracker costs at least £350 used.
  • can we get this version somewhere? (to put it on our USB stick and enjoy the Workbench)
  • This is stuff of dreams 😩😩 can't wait to do this on my Amiga a500 mini 🤟🤟🤟
  • @JakeSweeper
    How's the audio latency? One of the irritating things about HDMI is potential lag it introduces with auido. It's why games like guitar hero, rock band, and rocksmith required analog or optical output to prevent it.
  • All well and good ..... but can you actually believe that the Amiga had a game called 'Cadaver' 😁
  • @Voltomess
    but when I was watching review someone said those keys on mini are fake and not working so how do you even create this music
  • @reset1974
    how did you get to load the savestate? i can´t load a hdf without entering amiberry setup everytime