The State of Destiny 2 PVP is Very Dark...

Published 2024-07-11

All Comments (16)
  • @deflects_8694
    If you want to dodge storms edge, simply jump😂
  • Rapid fusion rifle to deal with the annoying hunters with rose. Its fun to receive hate messages from these meta babies lol
  • @Endless10ppp
    Is it me or pvp right now is the worse it has ever been?
  • I consider myself to be a slightly above average player and i had more fun this IB than i think i've had in any prior D2 IB. i think more players were playing which helped. i had success with Hawkmoon, Mida, Outbreak, Malfeasance and Trust. i also used Suros and Jade Rabbit.
  • @yol_n
    Handcannon meta? The last thing I see is a handcannon on comp and iron banner, it's just pulses, autos, scouts, and the rare but annoying DMT. Every handcannon playr I met had to sweat so hard to make their handcannon work against the current meta. At least 120's are fine for the most part.
  • Imagine a looter shooter that uses guns. That you farm for instead of ability spam lmao
  • @Endless10ppp
    To me its the inconsistency with ttk and flintch
  • Do u forget the 6 stack bubble titans in the last 3 years of iron banners? Lol it’s the first time since beyond light came out that hunters were good. Warlocks were always good and titans were and still are broken
  • @Cazamalos
    I've never liked Destiny 2 PvP in any form, but its sad hearing from people that enjoyed the PvP how Bungie is just giving up.
  • I am with you on this brother. And when you run out of PVE content PVP is the only thing you have left to do. Storms Edge farmed my entire team twice in one super in Comp. I am a hunter and I never use that.
  • You should probably lead in with the real reason the PvP is bad, these two weeks of Iron Banner weren't uniquely bad because of anything truly new, it's just now that the average player has their Prismatic builds set up we're really starting to see the oversaturation of abilities. D2 has always teetered on the edge of being an Ability/Cooldown driven PvP experience, it was pushed even further when a majority of the players on controller started building their entire gameplay around Aim Assist, the only difference in these guys' gameplay is the settings they change on their configurations and the target acquisition level of the gun they're using. Everyone knows it at this point I don't know why everyone is squeamish about saying that the idea of aim assist as an aid for controller players to stay competitive is a sentiment from an era that passed us up probably back in 2019. Every game that has this super friction, FPS-scaled, Aimbot-adjacent aim assist is suffering from a new generation of players that genuinely want to buy their way to the skill level they think they deserve instead of the skill level they've earned. They'll go out of their way to hide their Xims, Ring1, Cronus or whatever they're using, they lie on stream about what input they're on even when their M&K input flickers back over to controller or vice versa. FPS games are just going to suffer until we can either find a way for the population in general to be receptive to extremely invasive anti-cheats that dig into your system to see what you have running, and what you might have modified on your hardware because you can buy modified mice and even modified GPUs with cheats built in that kick on and run almost undetectably given the current anti-cheat on for less than $1000, or we go full South Korea mode and apply legal penalties and fines for this. I'm aware that this course of action sounds pretty extreme but it's obvious we can't trust people to abstain from cutting every corner we let them cut and buying their competitive advantages. Here's another extreme one; I don't think you should legally be allowed to release a shooter or even a shooter adjacent game that runs under 60 tick anymore, straight up I think with the current technology you should have to provide a minimum tickrate of 80 or 128 as a developer, if you need to charge a monthly sub for it, do it, the monthly subscription model has proven to be more consumer friendly and a viable income stream to support running and developing projects for the game in the long run since 2001. Destiny 2 is modular at 30 to 40 tick, which is comparable to the release of Quake Live which went from Beta to Live between 2009 and 2010. It gets crazier when you consider that custom hosted servers *in 2005* for Quake 4 went up to 62.5 tick. People who hadn't even listened to Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani, because the song hadn't been released, were playing on higher quality servers than we are nearly 20 years later. The less you utilize things like aim assist and Xims and all these Cool New Featuresâ„¢the more you're able to feel the contrast between what's happening on your screen and what the server is actually seeing, everyone who plays D2 has had multiple moments a day where they've shot someone in a place they weren't standing, whether it be your target transitioning from a high elevation on the map to a low elevation suddenly, and you shoot where they were and for some reason even though they're nearly on the ground, you're a goober and you shot high anyways, and to your surprise, you put a bullet into where they were and not where they're visually at and it still connected, or whether it be at a target that's corner popping on you between shots, and you shoot nothing but air as they're going back behind cover but still get a hit, you've seen it, we've all seen it. People on Aim Assist don't have to worry about anything, they don't worry about seeing through smokes or grenades or rift affects or solar glare, they don't worry about visual clutter at all, when they put their crosshairs near you and start to feel that friction resist their inputs, they just fire, they line their crosshair up at a corner and ADS and wait until their camera starts moving on its own and they have a grand ol' time. Destiny 2 is closer to a MOBA than it is a shooter at this point, it's one big transaction of abilities, the matches everyone gets into in Trials are never just 6 dudes running around trying to out-aim eachother on Rose or DMT, it's MAYBE 6 dudes sliding corners for a peek specifically for the first round until someone gets instantly dunked on before the slide even ends and then it's a full on exchange of grenades and exotic effects and damage-type interactions like Strand Tangle bombs getting blown up by a Strand weapon for the AoE one shot, and why not, why practice and get better at the core mechanic of a shooter when the shooter you play offers you so many more lower risk higher reward options. I don't even think Destiny players want to play Destiny anymore, without any solid evidence I'd still put money down that most people participating in D2 these days are dealing with some Sunken Cost fallacy after putting an average of 3-5K hours into the game over the last 7 years. They can't leave D2 because other developers haven't gone on Twitter and said that they're not doing anything about Xims and all the other input/configuration devices like Bungie CMs have, and even if they decided to leave they'd go to other shooters and wonder why they don't have a 90% headshot accuracy, Bungie has developed a PvP culture that has basically given everyone who depends on all the leniencies D2 offers to even mildly perform this sort of virtual Stockholm Syndrome. You can't quit and just be good at something else because Destiny isn't a good game to develop any one particular skill on, the only people learning anything from D2 are the raw input M&K players and even then the really good M&K players like Wallah would have done better for their long term performance to pick up essentially any other shooter, Destiny 2 gave you the skills you need to play Destiny 3 and only Destiny 3. You will never hear an active professional on a game like CS2 or Valorant respond to the question "How did you find your way down this road, where did the winner of this years ESL/VCT Finals get his start, where did you come from?" with "Oh I started on Destiny." They neutered themselves in their prime years and in the not so distant future when something actually worthwhile comes out, and they resolve all these issues D2 suffers with and more they'll wonder why they're stuck in the bottom 50% of players.
  • @Zak66666
    pvp sucks so much atm, never been so ass at an fps in my life
  • Lmao bro I’m new to the channel but you came for blood calling out hunters. The realest sh*t I’ve heard in a minute but yeah lots of problems with sandbox rn.
  • @tristix3721
    Iron Banner is for Iron Lords and to become a Lord, you must be brutal. I played as Titan in Iron Banner since the beginning of Destiny and always found a way to counter any meta. Whenever I complaint, there is a saying" "git gud".