Don’t do this...


コメント (21)
  • Plot Twist: The Alpha Beta dude was actually Vanoss promoting Alpha Betas by putting it in Puffer's chat so Puffer viewers can see it on Ban Appeals
  • i love how ban appeal streams always have a theme somehow and it's never intentional lmao
  • The lore do be getting spicy. Can’t wait for season 4
  • Puffer has a unique talent of making mundane things addicting to watch. Him and his friend groups are so naturally funny on a level that a lot of creators fail to achieve. Also, "BOO HOO BOZO" has me fucking rolling
  • "What in the Kentucky fried fuck?!" Is probably my new fave sentence lol
  • @bredmaekr
    Chat isn’t friendly. Can confirm for the most part...
  • "What in the kentucky fried f*ck" Best thing I have ever heard in one of Puffs streams.
  • Honestly one of my favorite non gameplay things from him
  • Bruh he self promoted on a whole new level. My mind is blown.
  • The best part about this is you get banned by puffer then you get a message afterwards about him keeping the ban. I just love the fact that he always types something back
  • Ngl Puffer you look like one of my managers, dude be chilling at work and got same chill vibe too that's crazy.