

コメント (21)
  • And I thought I was the B7 in this vid. Hi form B7LRE 👋🏻 :)
  • @robwiz9
    About 50% of the stations named are open now
  • Nice to here from you again in such a short amount of time :D
  • I mean, it is more fun than just having the original but he could have stated that things have been changed since then and it's not 100% accurate. Llyn and the other stations were there just not open, but the fact that trains are running there is inaccurate compared to the original pre 1.0.
  • @S70V12
    Yay someone who stands up for all of us who know that SCRLE is a SCR imposter game!
  • All the most stations closed are open in SCR like the Whitefield branch and Llyn Branch too
  • University,St. Helen's South,St. Helen's Park,Hallam Square was scrapped,all stations were opened except for Berrily Denton Road & South Berrily,these 2 was abandoned,during Version 1.4.1,Whitefield has an entrance,if you look at the building beside the station,you will see a Metro HQ blocked off
  • Why would you do edits to a game which is designed to be "like what it used to be". That's like if you got an historical painting and then painted something new onto it.
  • Next to Whitney Green in SCRLE there is a depot called "SCRLE County Depot it has present day trains in there
  • @rben6666
    and terminal 1 terminal 2 in those fake legacy editions looks like a hyperloop trains station
  • @rben6666
    the creator of the game is very pro actually. He built a time machine and went into Charlie's brain, then he knew Charlie and BanTech both want a llyn by the sea......
  • Before V1.0 I have seen HRs drive test trains to the Airport Terminals and to Airport West
  • I tried to pass too many stations in SRCLE with class 357 metro and i did not get derailed!