How to be CONFIDENT, POISED and ELEGANT when Speaking | Conversation Mistakes to Avoid

This video analyses the deeply entrenched habits you may have developed over the years that hold you back from speaking elegantly. I discuss the techniques and the skills that you should start to develop to allow you to speak confidently and with poise.

The way we converse with others is incredibly important and is a tool that is used to judge. Whether we like it or not, people infer all sorts by the way we speak. This informative video will help you to present yourself in the best light by helping you to speak elegantly and with grace.

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to any of the material used in this video.

Video Hashtaggs
#speakelegantly #howtobepoised #howtobepoisedwoman #howtospeakelegantly #conversationmistakestoavoid #howtospeaklikealady

コメント (21)
  • 1. Don't fill silence with nervous chatter 2. Stand tall 3. Look people in the eye, don't stare 4. Take your time 5. Don't be a one upper 6. Show a genuine interest in the person 7. Be poised 8. Stop thinking about what the listener might be thinking 9. Use a confident voice 10. Ask purposeful questions
  • @missadug
    Here's another tip I use. Look at the eyebrows while speaking with people. They can't tell you're not looking them in the eye. It also conveys confidence because it provides the illusion that you're looking at them in the eye.
  • In watching from Uganda 🇺🇬 I have never been confident in my life, that was because of my upbringing and the society I grew up in, I was always been looked down on, bullied and nick named but I after watching most of your videos, I’m gaining a little bit of confidence and I must do something about it because it’s still happening in my community to so many young girls!!
  • Is so refreshing that you promote these attitude and forms, nowadays vulgarity seems to be the norm. English is not my first language, sorry if I did not expressed myself clearly.
  • I'm so used to talking fast and caring about what others think of things I say and how I sound. Thank you so much for the great tips. You are a powerful black queen❤
  • You speak so eloquently, with so much grace, but also authority, and your vocabulary is exquisitely rich. English is not my first language. Even though I've been living in the UK for the last decade and I've written two books in English and not my mother tongue Lithuanian, I think I'll never stop learning. I'm always fascinated when I hear a word I don't know. And you gave me more than one word I had to look up in just one video. Thank you :)
  • Am currently building a brand ,where I talk an mentor so many young people,so this video is you actually talking to me Thank you so much for sharing I appreciate this video
  • I feel so guilty for all the mistakes I keep making while communicating. Literally every you have mentioned I have done. Thanks for this video.
  • "There is so much strength in humility" "Stop thinking about what the listeners might be thinking about you", unless you interpret minds, that's too much waste of time. "Don't fill silence with nervous chatter. "Show genuine interest in a person.👏👏🙏🏼❤️
  • When you have a healthy self esteem of yourself and believe in yourself you will do well in life as well as having good manners, my mom always told me manners take you through the world. I love all of the valuable information you bring to your channel. Be blessed.
  • Hello Vivienne, I think confidence makes someone fearless, strong from inside and the best thing one can ever wear. When it comes to being elegant, it is also the most essential thing to talk about. It is really important to handle every matter gracefully. Thanks for teaching us all these things. You are truly an amazing woman☺. The way you speak is really very nice and soothing, and also you are such a beautiful lady😍. Your every posture is very classy, feminine and elegant😌🥰. Again thank you for teaching us these lessons🙏🙂. We all are really grateful to you for helping us so much. ☺🥰
  • @osaroejii
    This video is beneficial to both ladies and gentlemen. I've gained so much knowledge from you, Ma'am. I sincerely appreciate you for putting this together.
  • Such an excellent video Vivienne, you have reminded me of a few things I need to work on! I also love how you mentioned that ‘eyes never lie’ it is is so true! Joanne x
  • Thank you for your teachings. The way we speak and how we dress as women creates our visual image. Your last video touched on how we dress and speak as women, and sometimes it just does not match. As I stated before, many of our environments have taken away our poise and etiquette as women. We have become rough around the edges because of our rough environments and the people we are around. Time to flip the scrip ladies! I find myself drinking tea like soda pop, way too fast. My tea time is my calming time. Working on my posture. Thanks again for your teachings.
  • Not only ladies, men too benefit from your incredible, intelligent content! Thanks.
  • Good of you to share these tips. I especially appreciate the reminder to maintain composure when people shout out rude comments or talk with others while you are speaking. Bullies and narcissists of all ages and classes are always ready to mess with people. It's good to know what to do when they try to steal the attention from you. Cheers! Much respect fellow lady. 🙏👏🙂
  • Wow ,This video was extremely informative, almost too perfect. I made a few of these mistakes in the past and listening to you list what I wasn’t aware of in myself is eye opening. Thank you 🙏🏽
  • @TeeAhhhna
    Yes I always shy away from speaking because I believe I don’t speak elegantly. Thankyou for making this video
  • There were so many great tips in this video! Thank you for putting it together.