Moses and his stories: Genesis 2:10,11

The author of Genesis, presumably Moses, speaks of a river that issued (past tense) out of Eden and that split from there, becoming four separate rivers. He then names the four rivers and speaks of them as though they are still in existence at the time of his writing. My question is, 'if a global flood had occurred sometime between the original sin and when Moses was doing his writing, would not the terrain have been completely changed, thus annihilating any previous rivers? '

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コメント (5)
  • @RODikUlus we all pick up on things others don't. that's why its good to collaborate. but thanks just the same. i will look into what you mentioned.
  • @RODikUlus
    I found a guy by the username of Evid3nc3. He touches on the documentary hypothesis, and his series of vids explains why he's no longer a christian. Documentary hypothesis is about the 1st 5 books not being written by Moses. Moses couldn't have written about his own death. Also, the Flood account had God say it would rain for 40 days..then in the next chapter we see the earth being overwhelmed by water for 150 days. Thanks. Will check out heterodoxism2 later.
  • by the way, there is an excellent channel called 'heterodoxism 2'. i believe it touches on the documentary hypothesis as well, but i can't remember. you should check it out.
  • @RODikUlus
    Hey. You're sharp, as you pick up on things I didn't. Check out Documentary Hypothesis. I was put on to this by ExGileadMissionary. The bible sure is sneaky.