Published 2023-03-20
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A video made by SuperFrame.

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All Comments (21)
  • @thesuperframe
    Unlikely I'll make a phase 4 so here is the direction I would've taken it. If I did... I would start to explore the mystical with the JLD (Constantine, zatanna, swamp thing etc), as for the street level heroes, they would continue their war on Ras Al ghuls criminal empire. Now, whilst the mystical side builds it will converge with the cosmic leading to a Blackest night event for the 6th GL movie, the first big event movie since JL3, dead heroes will come back to become foils of our current heroes etc Whilst the universe will fill out with protégées forming a team (titans) or certain heroes getting some spotlight (blue beetle/booster gold movie) it will all converge (mystical & cosmic) to Blackest Night. EDIT: I was super rushed to have this video out on time, so that’s why scenes or interactions got cut, when Hal appears at the watchtower I was going to have a moment where he sees the flash only for him to turn around realise it isn’t Barry, this is where he learns of his death and grieves a bit. Booster was going to have a few more scenes, this movie just serving as a launching pad for his own movie, also wanted to explain the mechanics of taking out the flagship more as that would’ve been a huge part of the movie, plus a few scenes explaining Batman’s arc a bit more fleshing out his decision to sacrifice himself, however time really constrained things here
  • @realsanmer
    The WW trilogy is by far the most interesting part of this whole universe imo, and that's a massive accomplishment, because I know jacksquat about the character
  • @TACHY0N0
    This was such a well put together saga, felt like I was actually watching the movies! Hopefully James Gunn can deliver something close to this quality for the current live action DC universe.
  • This is the greatest DC Universe pitch I’ve ever seen. I was actually invested in this the whole way through as if i was watching a TV show. You did a phenomenal job with all of these videos.
  • I really love how this take on the dc universe is about humanity, it's about what makes someone a true hero, to hope for a better tomorrow
  • @daryltor7608
    I like the fact you put the focus on humanity as a theme. I feel marvel needs that humanity back in there heroes rather then just avengers 2.0.
  • I have suggestion for your Supergirl and LSH film: Instead of the Fatal Five, the villains could be the Justice League of Earth (from Geoff Johns Superman run). They are group of super beings who auditioned for Legion, but were rejected, leading them to become villains. This could not only allow the film to explore topics such as prejuice and class division but also creates a similarity between the villains and Kara, who also loses her trust on the Legion after finding out about her cousin dark future. In the end of their film, the Legion could learn from their mistakes and try to be better organization (maybe by creating the Legion Academy or the Legion of Substitute Heroes)
    Im a massive Flash fan and seeing Wally take the mantle from barry fills me with so much joy. And seeing wally do the run around the world punches made me geek out. So damn good
  • @FloralHaze
    Dr. Fate vs Captain Atom is a fight I’ve ALWAYS wondered about
  • I love this series, it gives me hope for James Gunn's DC Universe
  • @bigdip298
    I know I'm late to the party in writing this comment so you probably won't see this, but I have absolutely loved these pitches (writing is a hobby of mine and it's gotten me inspired to actually adapt your pitches into screenplays). As an avid DC fan as well, there are some things I would do differently: First off, I feel like we could have used the "Lex trying to clone Superman plot" to more of its potential; instead of it just being Bizarro, I feel like it would be a great way to introduce Conner Kent Superboy and maybe even Hank Henshaw's Cyborg Superman, with Cyborg Superman being Luthor's first attempt using the Metallo metal from the first movie to make him, Bizarro being the failed first attempt at a DNA clone, and Superboy being the successful one. I feel like this would pad out the runtime well, as I feel like Superman fighting Bizarro once in the middle and then Luthor at the end of the movie just isn't really enough events to pad out a 2 hour movie. Bizarro leaves Earth to find someplace where his warped perspective is normal, and Clark maybe brings Conner to Ma Kent and gives him a family pretty much. Another thing I would do is put the Batgirl series in Phase II right after New Gods (this would make it a little bit after Nightwing's release). As Jason will be introduced in Nightwing, he could also appear in the Batgirl series in place of Tim, so when we get to Batman 3 Jason's death will be that much more impactful. The Batman Inc. stuff could be worked around so that we wouldn't have to include it in this series. In Batman 3, I would also basically adapt The Killing Joke and A Death in the Family into one story, with Joker doing the absolute most to break Batman by paralyzing Barbara, trying to make Commissioner Gordon go insane through it, and then killing Jason near the end so that Batman is completely broken by the time Justice League 2 comes out, which explains even more so why he acts so cold to his friends in that movie. I wouldn't have Red Hood yet because I feel he warrants his own movie. Then, in Phase III, something I'd change is I'd give Aquaman a movie cuz I feel like he's interesting enough to warrant a duology with the sequel being in Phase IV. The first one would basically be James Wan's movie with some tweaks to dialogue to make it less cheesy. Also in Phase III, I'd have a Robin HBO Max limited series that'd introduce Tim Drake and sort of adapt A Lonely Place of Dying, with Tim throughout the series trying to convince Batman that he needs a Robin. It should really make us love Tim and want him to succeed so that it's a very triumphant moment when Batman offers him Jason's suit at the end but Tim out of respect makes himself a new one. This brings us to (also in Phase III) right before the Adam Strange series, I'd have a fourth Batman movie: Under the Hood, which would adapt the Under the Red Hood storyline in a more meaningful way as Jason's death has had time to breathe, allowing it to be more of a surprise and an impact when he is resurrected (which also builds up the Ra's al Ghul storyline even more). This movie would pretty much adapt the Under the Hood storyline from the comics with maybe some minor changes and additions, except you could have the Batman Inc. stuff here instead of the Batgirl series. Maybe in the beginning of the movie as Bruce is recruiting new bat-people around the world, he hears of an international mercenary calling himself the Red Hood killing crime organizations throughout the world and he's set his sights on Penguin's operation in Gotham next, making Bruce come back home to stop him. I don't know, just spitballin' here. So for Phase IV, sticking to the general ideas that you talked about in your comment, we would have Green Lantern: The First Lantern come out to kick it off. Then we'd have a Battle for the Cowl HBO Max limited series where Dick finally decides to become Batman and Tim goes off on his own as Red Robin to figure out what his mission is if Bruce isn't around. Then we'd have "Blue & Gold," a Booster Gold/Blue Beetle movie. Then we'd have a Hellraiser movie with John Constantine. Then a Red Hood and the Outlaws HBO Max limited series expanding Jason's character more and maybe bringing in Roy Harper as well. Then Aquaman 2, which could have Black Manta as the main villain while also introducing Garth; see Arthur actually struggling with the duties of being a king, which is something we haven't yet explored in this universe. Then we'd have a Swamp Thing HBO Max limited series that would dive deep into the horror aspects of his character (Phantom Stranger could appear similar to the actual great Swamp Thing show that was sadly cancelled). Then there'd be a Batman & Robin movie adapting Damian Wayne's introduction with Dick being Batman; it would bring the Ra's al Ghul storyline to its climax with him maybe working with Deathstroke to kill Dick so we get that Dick/Slade rivalry from the comics, and I think it'd be very interesting to see Dick (Batman's son in every way but blood) try to tame Batman's biological son from being a bloodthirsty assassin to a Robin. As well as this we could have Wally West appear, as Dick could really use his best friend's advice on how to live up to the name of his mentor similar to how Wally did with Barry. Then we'd have a Zatanna movie---self-explanatory. Then a Titans HBO Max limited series could show Tim finding his purpose in forming the Titans with other protogés of heroes to fight some threat like Brother Blood or Trigon, idk (Since Dick is Batman at this point it wouldn't make sense for it to be him to found the Titans). Then there'd be a Justice League Dark movie with it heavily setting up Blackest Night. Finally, it all culminating with Green Lantern: Blackest Night as its conclusion---like you said, having dead characters come back as Black Lanterns and shit would be extremely interesting. So that's about it from me, but I honestly cannot tell you enough how much I connected with these videos, as I've held the same vehement views for a long time as well and would love to see DC do something along these lines. Thank you so much!
  • @Im.myfuture
    Depending on what other potential arcs could be taken after this point, it would be great if it ended up leading to Kingdom Come as a DEFINITIVE ending.
  • @dcsakuga7631
    This is amazing but one thing I’d change is have the villains of earth help the heroes further hammering home the point of redemption and humanity since they don’t want to see their world go even though they are bad it will also show the cynical audience that villains can be redeemed too a certain extent since they are willing to put they’re lives on the line for humanity even if it’s just a matter off just wanting to survive
  • the green lantern theme and the way it’s inversion takes place is amazing
  • Super Frame’s DC Universe is perfect imo. These videos and DCAU shows why do i love the DC Universe and it’s characters so much. Great job 👍👏
  • @Augustus087
    What an EXCELLENT trilogy! Thank you for presenting it to us, SUPER FRAME. Just a post watching note: The threads of your wonderful plot need to be tied more completely in order for your denouement to be complete. Specifically, what happened to Bruce/Batman in the source wall? What happens to Bruce and Darkseid after they fade from view? If you could address these missing parts, I would be very grateful =). Definitely a fan after seeing this wonderful production!