Elvis Presley - If I Can Dream ('68 Comeback Special) Reaction)


コメント (21)
  • Elvis was born dirt poor in Mississippi. his twin brother died at birth.. his Daddy went to jail when he was 2 and his Mama had to raise him alone for 2 yrs.. during the Depression. The church is all they had and helped them through it. Because off these circumstances.. Elvis grew up in the Black Community.. he always fought for equality.
  • You're one of the only reactions to this song, that noticed the breathless exhale. He was completely spent. Talk about leaving it all on the stage! Nice call!
  • @catspek
    This is one of those times when you get pure, raw Elvis, pouring his heart out, and there is simply no equal. If there were no music, it would still give you chills to hear only his voice and witness the power of his presence.
  • This was in tribute to martin luther king...he was told not to sing it but he said no i wm singing It!❤
  • Many have commented on Elvis's childhood so I won't repeat that. But let's appreciate that the man stood up for what he believed. He got blowback from whites who thought he was too aligned with the black community. Some black artists resented him for being a white guy who got famous off "their" music and saw him as an opportunist capitalizing on their heritage. In reality, Elvis was a country boy with surprisingly simple, straightforward beliefs that we are all humans who deserve dignity and respect. Even though he achieved great acclaim and wealth, he never forgot his roots nor wavered in his convictions. He often chose to use his unique gifts especially as a platform. His stature allowed him to boldly stand up for his values, and though it might have cost him some political points, it gained him great admiration from a generation of fans. Elvis was the real deal.
  • @lechat8533
    This is not just a song. This is a prayer. Elvis admired MLK, and he loved Memphis, where he lived. The fact that MLK was assassinated in Memphis, of all cities, was more than he could bear.
  • @MsRhodeman
    I'm a 68-year-old baby boomer and I grew up loving Elvis Presley's movies and his music and every time even now when I watch this video of him singing this song it brings a tear to my eye and goosebumps... What's so sad is that so many people did not learn to appreciate Elvis and the beautiful human being that he was until his death, but I love young people nowadays that are trying to learn and are realizing what kind of person he really was and not listening to all the people that didn't know a damn thing about what they were talking about😊❤
  • His Manager didn't want him to do it... he did it anyway. Elvis knew the times.. I've never heard it redone.. how could anyone do it again.. just saying. I was 10 yrs old when this man died.. my Mother went insane.. she cried for weeks.. she made me and my older sister record everything on the radio.. we are talking 1977... but I do remember.. If I Can Dream.. was my favorite song.. I didn't understand it at 10 but there must have been something about it that made me love it so much.. Now, obviously, I understand it.. what a great song
  • @ppresley9208
    Elvis was , and still is , and always will be THE MAN ... TCB forever!
  • I grew up in Memphis…and vividly remember the day MLK was killed here. Proud that Elvis went ahead and performed this song just a few months after MLK died. Memphis is where Elvis lived. He truly loved what MLK stood for. People don’t realize how Elvis was attacked by the whites for being supportive of the black community. You should go back and watch the documentary on it. As others said he grew up in the housing projects/ghettos here in Memphis. He understood the struggles of the black community and never backed away from his support for them. I wish everyone would listen to this song today…it’s just as valid today as it was in 1968.
  • @neraksirrah
    Elvis had southern gospel roots. You hear it in his voice and here you see it in his motions. At the end Elvis is swinging his arms back & forth just like a "Sunday morning preacher who has given his all and is bringing it on home to all present." An Elvis fan, then, now & forever!
  • I remember watching the 68 Comeback Special when it was on tv. I was 5yrs. old. This song was especially written for Elvis. It's about the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert F Kennedy. Also for all the lives lost during the Vietnam War. When Elvis recorded this song in the studio, he wanted the lights turned off. After he was done, they turned the lights back on and couldn't see Elvis. They found him in a corner, curled up in the fetal position and crying. That was how much that song effected him. WELCOME TO THE ELVIS PRESLEY WORLD. ❤
  • @pamhodges527
    My mom use to say "God was showing off when he made Elvis". Well, mom was right
  • Sadly, Elvis never had the chance to become old as he died at age 42. Even at the highest height of his fame, he always remained totally humble.
  • His manager and the producers, all told him NOT to sing this! But, he believed in social awareness and equality! He is the only person to ever sing this song; it was written for him! He and Martin Luther King Jr. were friends and it broke ELVIS' heart when he was killed! He sang this at the end of "The ELVIS '68, Comeback Special", only two months after King was assassinated! Thank You for reacting to my favorite ELVIS song! I would love for you to react to "Jailhouse Rock", from the movie by the same title! You will be dancing all over the place! He was born in Tupelo, Mississippi into extreme poverty, basically in the ghetto! When he was 14, his Daddy moved the family to Memphis, looking for work! He lived in the projects there! Most of his best friends were black and believe me, he truly knew what poor, was! HE recorded almost 800 songs and made 31 Movies in his short life! He was, is, and always will be The KING of ROCK and ROLL! Please react to "Jailhouse Rock", you will not regret it! He was only 19 or 20 years old when he sang it and it will blow you socks off! If you would like to watch one of his movies, in my opinion, "King Creole" is phenomenol! He had 5 or 6, top ten hits from that movie and some were #1! He is the GOAT, MAN!
  • That s why he is called The King. No one can compare to this day to Elvis in his voice, looks abd stage presence
  • @KidBklyn
    MontWRLD....your reaction shows how that song affected you. Elvis could sing anything. From rock to Gospel which was his first love and everything in between. That is why he is known as 'The King'.
  • @mikesba
    Check out “Elvis Presley and the Black Community- that echo will never die”. Elvis was born and raised in poor, primarily black neighborhoods in Tupelo, Mississippi & Memphis, TN. He sang Gospel in the choir of a Black Baptist church in Memphis. Elvis naturally absorbed the music of the black culture. There are Parts 1 & 2.