creation account part 1 'light'

Publicado 2011-02-28
a seeming discrepancy i came across in genesis chapter 1.

Todos los comentarios (16)
  • @pursuing222
    Hello thetruthrover, and thanks for posting this video! We all have questions sometimes about things in the bible and what better way to find the answer than to ask someone!! So I think I have the answer, and please let me know what you think! Now, to sum up your question, Genesis 1:3 talks about God bringing light and Genesis 1:14+ speaks of the sun and moon and the stars being made, and you want to know where the light came from in Genesis 1:3. Right? Something to think about...
  • @pursuing222 be light. Another reason I think is important for us to remember, is that the entire Bible speaks about Jesus, our God, as per what the New Testament says and what Jesus says about Himself. Now this just came to me now, but what day is light introduced? The first day of the week, Sunday! Now Jesus says that He is the light of the world (John 8:12) and John 12:46 says "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. " Jesus rose from...
  • @thetruthrover
    i have asked that same question myself. It doesn't seem like an even exchange at all.
  • @pursuing222
    @pursuing222 or even facebook if you'd rather. Just search my name, Curt Siebold, and I think there are a couple others out there but I'm the one who has a picture of my daughter (2 years old) for the profile pic. Shouldn't be hard to find!
  • @pursuing222
    ...what I mean? So if we don't understand something right away, we can know there is an answer! And I am happy that you are asking others as in this video to seek out the truth! The truth can be found in Jesus, always, never forget that. In Revelation, we read in 20:22+ "But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city had no need of THE SUN OR OF THE MOON TO SHINE in it, for THE GLORY OF GOD ILLUMINATED IT. THE LAMB IS ITS LIGHT.
  • @pursuing222
    ...the dead on the first day of the week and He is the light of the world. I think its not by mistake God did this on the first day. Its pointing to the fact of the resurrection and to Jesus, God's redemptive work on humanity! The other point is that God wanted to make a division between night and day, so we have 24 hour periods per day, which needed to be established before we could proceed to the other days! Each day needed boundaries!
  • @pursuing222
    So not only is that a powerful Deity of Christ proof text (along with other verses that speak of God and Jesus as light), it shows that Jesus will be light in the New Jerusalem and there will be no need of sun or moon. I could say more, but I will leave you to comment. Just remember, Jesus is the answer. John 12:46 "I have come as a Light into the world, so that whoever believes in Me [whoever cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] may not continue to live in darkness."
  • @thetruthrover
    @codegoddard that's interesting about the ironies and hidden poetry. I also used to quote endlessly from Genesis and the rest of the bible. Don't get me wrong, the bible has many lessons that are beneficial, but for people to get so wrapped up in debating who's got it figured out correctly, detracts from the claim of its divine authorship. The bible is a confusing book, and i'd wager that more people have suffered because of its existence than have benefitted.
  • @pursuing222
    More could be said but just remember, God doesn't need a physical sun for there to be light. God can provide His own light! Also, I don't know if you might be tempted to think there might be a contradiction and that maybe the bible is false and made up, but lets run with that idea for a moment. If I were writing a book that I was going to declare as the Word of God, I think I would have noticed this error, just a few verses apart! And others who would at least proofread it! Do you see...
  • @RODikUlus
    @pursuing222 -"So if we don't understand something right away, we can know there is an answer!" Is that answer based on fact, or the wishful thinking hope produces? Remember, in all the religions you feel are false, the people who believe in them get their answers the same way. To instill faith in those people, they also put spin on their explainations. If Jesus was a man on earth, how come he never wrote anything, and then protected it with Godly power?
  • @thetruthrover
    @pursuing222 we have light due to the sun shining upon the surface of the earth. I agree that God is the source of light, but i also believe that God uses the laws he created and never diverges from them. if he were to break his own law, he would destroy himself. For instance, i believe that the plagues brought upon egypt were natural phenomenon triggered, perhaps by God, but nonetheless, natural.
  • @pursuing222
    Did that help? Can I help you in any other way?
  • @RODikUlus
    @pursuing222 - Hey, you can just pm me through youtube. I don't use facebook now. I'll accept your friend request. I used to be a JW, but I see holes in the biblical stories. Also, I noticed that much of the bible is astrology, for it's all in the "evil" Zodiac. In Genesis 49, as Jacob is dying, he ( in symbolic language) is referencing the 12 Zodiac houses for his sons which were to be the 12 tribes of Israel. So too are the 4 living creatures in Ezekial & Revelation.
  • @pursuing222
    Is there light because there is a sun or is there a sun because there is light? But more than that, God is the source of light, the Bible says that God is light and the Bible also says that Jesus is light. Those words in Genesis are a principle theme in the Bible. Here, God produced physical light; not because God couldn't work in the dark (lol) but there needed to be light before there could be any plants, which was created before the sun! God doesn't need to make a sun in order for there..
  • @RODikUlus
    @pursuing222 - I see you believe Jesus Christ died for all mankind. Did you believe this all your life? I looked at the ransom sacrifice story of Jesus, and I don't see a ransom, nor a sacrifice being made. In order for you to believe in the story, wouldn't there have had to be a ransom, and a sacrifice? Also, why wasn't Adam allowed to have knowledge of good & evil while being perfect, yet Jesus was perfect while having that knowledge? How was an intellect & a dummy an even exchange?