Matt Dillahunty - Unholy Trinity Down Under: "Why Won't You Love Me?" (Version 1)

In March of 2015, the Atheist Foundation of Australia hosted atheist activists Matt Dillahunty, Aron Ra and Seth Andrews (under the tongue-in-cheek tour title, "The Unholy Trinity Down Under").

The speakers' presentations from Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne are posted on AFA's tour website:

Special thanks to the AFA:

コメント (21)
  • ... and people wonder why I compare Christianity to being in an abusive relationship.
  • @Darfail
    Pure unadulterated genius at work. This should be viewed by every cultist
  • It's because of this man and others like him that presented logical evidence and debates that I no longer believe in the god delusion it's so freeing I wanna cry right now. I was so lost so bound by religion and had so much fear that I was so depressed and I would call out to god to help and change me and I got no answers. All I can say is I got the answers to god and it's bullshit ,except comparing god to bullshit would be an insult to bullshit.
  • @petmo78
    This video should be shown at bible studies in churches, so that kids can understand the bible better. lol
  • god- Don't eat from that tree or you will die. adam- god, whats die? god- eve you will suffer painful child birth. eve- god, whats a child? and whats a childbirth?
  • Well that was spot on. The utter ridiculousness of the Bible done in the first person. What a Fantastic idea. I wish I'd thought of it. This could be the springboard for a LOT of funny.
  • These guys are the heart, the head and the heel of the atheist moment.
  • Matt, thank you so much for being one of the voices that helped me find a freedom I could have never imagined while I was a christidiot. What my education began, you and so many others finalized through your bravery to take on society's biggest and oldest bully. Raising a glass for Hitch.
  • The best God mimic I've known so far...this is classic Dillahunty brilliance!
  • Absolutely PREMIUM!  This could be a fantastic one man show! Matt Dillahunty is ... GOD!
  • 27:00 Maybe the reason Yahweh always spoke through other people was because his mic cuts out when he addresses large audiences for more than 27 minutes at a time.
  • This was creative, inventive, and just plain AWESOME!!! I wish the audio was a bit better but I'm finna check out version 2 right now!
  • And to think Matt barely scratched the surface with all the contradictions within this god delusion. He couldn't even point out all the contradictions that manifested themselves while he was pointing out the contradictions.The layers of contradictory BS runs deep. When you start peeling back the layers of nonsense, you just run into more of the same. It's hard to know when to stop, because nonsense is the gift that keeps on giving. LOL! Good job Matt
  • Ole Matt is a top tier atheist activist. He's also an amazing comedian.
  • This was a very clever idea. At first it seemed a bit corny, but was a very effective tool to show how idiotic this story actually is.
  • I love how god's apologetic statements at the end all sound so familiar from things christians tend to say at the end of debates
  • @faithfail
    I would love to show this to my mom and her wing nut sister but they wouldn't even watch it more than a few minutes and call it blasphemy, instead of considering just how abusive and evil the god of the Bible is. Although they both love to give me reading material about modern stories of Christian believers that they think will convert me. Moreover, if their religion is true, they shouldn't care about anyone criticizing it. That's what I never got when I was raised in Christianity.
  • Genius. Absolutely, positively, remarkably, unbelievably, genius. This was so awesome. Matt Dillahunty, you are awesome