The Many Faces of Islam – How a Faith Became so Divided

As with Judaism and Christianity, branches of the Islamic faith appear to multiply with the passage of time. Such divisions were famously foretold by the Prophet. But what were the reasons for the divergence of believers away from each other? Didn’t they all believe in the same doctrines, scriptures, revelation, and tradition. There were several reasons for the breaking apart of the nations of Islam and that is the topic of this video, where we fully highlight on a one-by-one basis the causes and effects of each split of sect, branch, denomination, and creed.

Join us in examining the extent of the separation in Islam as well as in revealing to you the historical account of the events and personalities that shaped Islam into what iit is composed of today.

#islam #muslim #sect #denomination #split #branch #sunni #shia #sufi #ismaili #prophet #sunnah #quran #koran #doctrine #sahaba #earlyislam #jurisprudence #islamiclaw #sharia #division #ali #abubakr #tree #trunk #iceberg


コメント (21)
  • @Historyun
    Genuinely the best presentation on the 'history of Islam' YouTube sector. A well arranged, precise and compelling presentation that doesn't sound like a mere regurgitation of Wikipedia entries and recycled articles. Looking forward to more in this series coming from an authentic voice. Bravo 👏🏾
  • As a muslim I've always found it interesting, even comforting in a weird way that none of this is unexpected. From the get go, Allah has revealed through the Prophet SAW that muslims will be divided into dozens of sects and camps. And only few of them will still be on the straight path come the end.
  • I watched the whole video! Very eloquent and concise. Here are some points of my own: 7:36 The Khawarij actually attracted many influential people such as the poet known as Abu Tayyeb Al Mutanabbi, who initially joined them and revolted against the Abbasids. But he later abadoned their ideology. The famous Arab poet Imran bin Hattan was also once a Khariji 8:40 Although the Mu'tazilites were initially non-political, their stance against predestination attracted many anti-umayyad figures such as Zayd ibn Ali, who studied under Wasil Ibn Atta (founder of Mu'tazilism). Zayd ibn Ali stated that the Umayyads were using predestination as a political tool to force people to accept tyranny as their destiny and the will of Allah. 16:40 Another reason for the revolt of Zayd ibn Ali was due to an inheritance dispute with his cousin abdullah. The umayyads refused to give Zaud his inheritance because his mother was a Indian slave women. The caliph Hisham met Zayd in his palace he stated: "how can you become caliph when your mother was an Indian slave?" Zayd replied "The prophet Ismails mother was a slave called Hajar, and Allah gave him prophethood which is higher than caliphate" 20:17 Yes, the Sufis Indeed turned away from politics. Infact, one one occasion, some people came to Hasan Al Basri and asked him whether they should join the rebellion of Al Ash'ath against Hajjaj bin Yusuf (Umayyad Caliph). Hassan Al Basri replied "do not be a part of either party" 22:39 The Austrian muslim knwon as Muhammad Asad also tried to revive the Zahiri school and called himself a Zahiri 23:33 an interesting fact that many dont know is that Shamz Tabrizi, who was the teacher of the famous poet Rumi, was once a member of the Ismaili assasin sect. But he later rejected their ideas. 25:41 although Alevis faced persecution in Turkey, the Sunni Turkish scholar known as Said Nursi had good relations with them. 28:16 Yes, you are correct. To add further to this, some interesting facts are that the Darul Uloom Deoband University in India was founded after the 1857 rebellion against the British in India, which many deobandis such as Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi participated in! 29:05 Yes absolutely, my local mosque follows the Barelvi school and they recite Dhikr loudly after each Salah 33:42 Interesting fact: one of the leaders of the Chisti order, known as Moinuddin Chisti, was famous for confronting the Mughal ruler Akbar and correcting his false belief that he was a God. 34:19 some historians state that during his youth, Rumi studied under Ibn Al Arabi while he was in damascus. Although I only found this in some sources, its interesting to point out. 34:54 I would say that Naqshabandis have hsitorically been one of the most Politically active Sufi orders. Sheikh Mansur of Chechnya who fought the russian empire, Ahmad Sirhindi who resisted the Mughal Emporer Akbar, The Kurdish Sheikh Said who revolted against Ataturk, and the Naqshabandis of Iraq who resisted the American occupation, all shared the same Naqshabadi order. 35:49 One of the most my favourite sayings by Abdul Qadir Jilani is: "Do not try to obtain your share of the worldly gifts in a way that you have to keep standing before it like a beggar. You ought to be like a sovereign who keeps himself seated while the gifts are presented before him. This world acclaims those who stand and wait at the door of god almighty but it demeans those who wait upon it. Therefon:, get your share of the worldly benefits without demeaning yourself or compromising your dignity, and this is what Allah expects of you."
  • Thank you Tareq. Everything is very complicated but interesting. 🙏😘
  • Great video! The best response to all these “divisions”, “labels” & “groups” is Qur’an Verses 6:159, 3:105 & 22:78.
  • What a great video to find after Asr. Thank you and may Allah bless you and your family greatly InshaAllah
  • @hakirtiya
    Thank you!  I know it's a huge subject and I myself try to understand it better. You narrowed it down to the essentials of each group hopefully without misrepresenting anyone (i know it is hard to do so). Well done! The ummah needs to remember "the ummah" more than ever.
  • @digitalcatto
    I'm watching this while working and realizing i need to rewatch it again with extra attention because there are definitely several words that i need to research while you talk first, in order to understand the context better. As an atheist born in a catholic household, this is very interesting. Thank you! 🙌💗☺
  • @zak992
    This was really eye opening, really appreciate your hard work, never thought there was so much division and different approaches to Islam, not sure if this is a positive or a negative, one thing is for sure though, modern nationalism, old sectarian differences have put paid to a united people belonging to one ummah following the example of our nabi pbuh, your ending is so true and a powerful call for unity which we so badly need in the face of a colonising and marauding west you only have to look at Gaza, yet our elites and maulana class will not heed this simple truth, may Allah protect you and the rest of us
  • @Qadeer66
    Great video❤ (Btw Eid Mubarak)🎉
  • This channel is very under rated. It should grow more for such an amazing content.
  • Your investigative efforts have been truly exceptional, characterized by meticulous attention to detail and thoroughness..During our 12 years of studies, we were never introduced to this simple yet highly effective categorization of the various parts of Islam. This topic plays a vital role in organizing and understanding information across various fields. The absence of this content from our educational curriculum is particularly striking given the explanation you provided.
  • In my personal opinion, this is your best work that I have come across thus far. Thank you for this elucidation and your conclusion about us all being from the same tree is apt. I hope the larger body of Muslims, in whatever denomination they abide will understand this fundamental. Personally, I have grown to be non-demoninational . May Allah continue to grow us all in His Deen. I came across your works barely a month ago and I am hooked. Thanks for the work you do for Islam and Muslims.
  • Jazakallahu khairan ❤ peace and blessings from Dagestan ❤
  • @mahuda5898
    Thank you for a great video. I advise you to replace the led lamp behind you to a flicker free led lamp
  • @ej8530
    Hello sir - would like to say this was a well informed presentation on the overview of the ‘sociology’ (that is to say, the evolution of communities, groups, ideals and norms) of the Muslim civilisation - not a polemical discussion on which sect or group is true (which some have failed to look past). Nevertheless I did have a methodological question - since you mentioned the schools of Fiqh, it would’ve been nice to include some of the dead schools of Fiqh, such as the school of At Tabari and Al Awzai. Thank you.
  • @eleghari
    I believe you left out much about the Ahmedis. You failed to mention Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to have been divinely appointed as both the Promised Mahdi (Guided One) and Messiah. This is the reason why most Muslims, both shia and sunni, consider them to be non-muslims...