Footage of a Tense Aerial Battle During the Falklands War

It's 10 weeks into the Falklands War, and two British Harriers find themselves protecting damaged ships. Suddenly, Argentine Skyhawks appear on the horizon and a fight ensues.

From the Series: Air Warriors

コメント (21)
  • @tomblah
    This narrator sounds like he should be narrating World's Wildest Police Videos or something...
  • The pilot David Morgan and the Argentine pilot Pipi Sanchez who fought in the air, made a reunion between both pilots in the nineties. The Argentine pilot traveled to England to visit him. In an interview he said that he wanted to meet David Morgan, because for our Argentine pilot he had respect for the English pilot. After all, both sides lost friends. It was just mutual respect between pilots.
  • I am Argentine and I must say that this war was terrible for both sides especially for both countries that were getting well, I like the UK and I hope to return soon, a greeting to all English and I hope our relationship improves
  • The Empire Strikes Back. I had the great privilege of actually seeing a British Harrier. I really love the sleek black paint job on it, it looks very dynamic and advanced for the time.
  • @ey7290
    This is probably the most mordern footage of Jet vs jet combat
  • @rusrus29
    Man i love British engineering ,you Brits had one awesome Bird back then!!..very attractive,love watching it come into land on your carrier fleet decks!...well done guys..Big respect...
  • Apparently, a burglar was more interesting to the writers of The Crown than this whole conflict.
  • @DJEDzTV
    As a Russian, I really admire British Engineering. Harrier is a beautiful bird.
  • @henerymag
    from what I've read British pilots had respect for the Argentine pilots for their bravery in action.
  • @TorrentUK
    Proud brit here, but I will say there was a lot of respect for the Argentine pilots. They were exceptionally skilled fighter pilots and were well respected
  • thank you to the pilots for their bravery . i am ex WELSH GUARDS one of the ships they where protecting was the SIR GALAHAD . we had massive losses ,but if it wasnt for the bravery of these men it could have been far worse . CYMRU AM BYTH .
  • @Rufus100
    Although us brits can be proud of this accomplishment, sadly we lost over 200 brave soldiers with many maimed for life, we also have to remember the Argentinian conscripts who were forced into this war by the ruling junta and didn't have a clue what they were doing or up against with our fantastic and highly professional military. Sure Argentina had their elite forces, but this was a pointless war brought on by the Argentinian military Junta and they lost, Argentina is a better place without them in power, I cant help feeling sad for both sides who were killed and maimed due to old and decrepit war mongers of Argentina.
  • The description says that a fight ensued..... seems more like the Skyhawks just ran into a Harrier shaped fist.
  • When I was an Infantry Marine at Camp LeJeune, we would occasionally get to see the Harriers do bombing practice close by. A UH-1 would drop smoke to mark the target and usually a flight of two Harriers would come in inverted to spot the smoke, then roll into the bombing run and drop their ordnance. Awesome planes!
  • @ft304
    As a former soldier myself, I have to say that we were always taught to respect the soldiers on the other side. They also have a job to do and at the end, it's the same job as ours. You just hope to do your job a little better than the other side.
  • This has got to be the best aerial combat footage I've ever seen : You can clearly see what's happening, and all details of the shoot downs.
  • Both my dad and his older brother did low altitude air support in the USAF, I love things like this
  • @senor1928
    I think I said this on another video about the Falklands War, but my dad used to work with a Veteran of the Falklands War. From what I've heard, the fighting war brutal. My dad is also a combat veteran, although from a different war, and I know they find comfort in each other, having gone through the same or similar experiences. Even though I'm neither a soldier, a UK citizen, or Gods greatest child, I'd like to salute those who gave their all. If they're willing to tell you, listen to their stories, no matter what side they fought for.