@mistaho5c4r30 of @cali-train695 VS Carl Sweeney | Debut Boxing Match | Friday 26th May 2023 |🥊

Published 2023-05-27

All Comments (20)
  • @mistaho5c4r30
    Thank you for always supporting. For being a voice of reason & just being my brother. 💙❤️ - we got the W, now we build... After some well deserved food🤪😂
  • @DocKaosBeats
    So far from what I'm seeing his defense is great and he looks pretty good so far for a debut fight he has a lot of time to improve I'm seeing a lot of counter opportunities as well but yeah he's pretty good from what I'm seeing 😎👍🏿
  • @hasan011can8
    Seen this on Facebook and got curious enough to find myself here.
  • @videos2books6
    Defense is great! Control the arms more. I’ll definitely be looking out for more. My family is big on boxing.
  • @fratunal1570
    One of his fans sounds crazy as hell like violently fanatic 😱
  • Wish his intro music was a bit louder and it got played to the end.
  • @sonerelipek
    Thanks for not uploading round by round and just keeping it to 1 vid 🙌
    Great work!!!The only thing I’ll say is moving forward in your career, please be more defensively responsible! I saw great output and movement but if this were a match against you (me vs me) you could’ve gotten hurt. Your opponent was only worried about defense and wasn’t putting much out offensively. But if he were head hunting for you , you would’ve been rocked a few times. Your hands are way to low but other than that , Great Work!!! Congrats Champ!
  • Dude in the black trunks killing him the other guy needs to practice more
  • Stamina and endurance really fell in that last round I was hoping for an all out war in the end ☹️