Marble Kingdoms 3

Published 2023-05-12
Not just a marble battle, but the entire war.

Armies travel randomly across the map, engaging in combat if they meet. Once conquered, towns will produce more fighters for the player. Whenever the army goes to the home city or an friendly town, it will reinforce itself with fighters.

If an army is defeated, it will retreat to its home city to regroup.
If a player's home city is attacked, the king will join in the defense. If the king is slain, the city will be lost, and the remaining fighters will form flee as a new army.
If a player has no home city whenever an army is defeated, that army is permanently destroyed.

Fighters gain experience by scoring kills and surviving battles. If a fighter gains enough experience it will level up, gaining perks like additional hit points, speed and/or equipment.

Destroy all the enemy kings and armies to win!

Four colours competing:
Red, Green, Blue and Yellow
Which colour will win?

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All Comments (21)
  • @ehenare1
    the one red knight single handedly carried his entire kingdom on his back, wiping out entire armies and forts by himself and even after the king had fallen he continues to ravage green's settlements like a warlord, outflanking green's army and defeating defences that had superior numbers. The fact that red had a fighting chance for so long after losing its king was genuinely impressive.
  • This felt like a Warriors game. And Red's hero was such a bloodthirsty monster. Good game to everyone
  • 49:12 RIP the best soilder of the entire game. Even after his team wiped out the team I rooted for, I couldn’t help but slowly cheer for him, hoping his team would win. He single handily carried his team, and even tried to train a few apprentices who all died tragically. He may have lost but he is the true winner of the game for having the most kills. He would go into a 1v10 and come out victorious without a scratch.
  • @Axis_._
    Reds ruler may have died, but we all know who the real red king was. Wow. Amazing how the addition if levels and armour geberates narrative so naturally. The heroic red creating his little bands of elite warriors only to be whittled down by greens ever growing srmy, in the end defeated by the crushing weight of ao many high level units, and an early betrwyal by one of his own spearmen blocking his sword arm.
  • @omexyl1752
    The more I watch the lvl 4 red's last battle, the more it looks like he was straight up betrayed. That spearmen basically shoved him into a group of green's to get stabbed multiple times, then proceeded to throw him into another group where he was already considerably damaged, and then killed. It's always your own disciples man
  • @emhkayho
    Green King was so terrified that he had to recall his Generals to come up with new tactics. The daring raid on Red's Capital was brilliant, "if you can't outmatch them on the field of battle then starve them of manpower."
  • @pmcshow44
    The fact some marbles moving randomly told the story of Red's mighty captain and his futile guerrilla warfare against green is just incredible. Looking forward to the next video! Btw you should add mounted units who have a second ball with its own health.
  • @_Phoenyx_
    All of the kingdoms had Kings sitting high and mighty upon their thrones, but Red had something else as well. Red had a General.
  • @momom6197
    Have you heard the story of the Blood Knight? Of course, nowadays mothers threaten their marblabies with the memory of this ancient monster... But today I come to tell you of the marble behind the legend. THE BEGINNING He started his career when the four kingdows first expanded outwards, mightiest of his realm, promising Champion of the red. 0:34 As his first accomplishment, he sought the enemy war party. Alone of his troop of ten, he remained after duelling the yellow Champion to death. Time and time again, he would be the sole survivor, slayer of heroes at the cost of his comrades in arms. 2:45 He was on a mission to conquer, by the red king's will, and he would fulfill it, with or without an army. Undisturbed by the numbers, he went to East Town and took it alone, killing 7 spearmen and earning his first level for this achievement. 5:42 With a new war party, he went to the Brotherhood of the Axe and led his soldiers to victory, even as he had to limp and lean on a squire to walk around, still recovering from his previous wounds. Invigorated by the battle, he killed the last guardian of the Brotherhood in the name of the red king. 6:57 North Town had gained his attention by trapping the blue Champion and beating him to death. Eager for a challenge, he went there but was disappointed to find the spearmen fell easily to his blade. EARLY GAINS Now general of the red kingdom, the red Champion erred from town to town, terrifying them into compliance, but after his passage always his enemies would come back and seize control. 8:05 10:04 11:17 11:31 12:00 Small battles without consequence, without stakes, without challenge, where he would bleed soldiers away for minor gains... How infuriating. This could not continue. 12:12 He heard that the greens had mounted a daring assault on the blues' castle, almost getting rid of the blue king but losing their Champion in the attack. Bards sang of a green hero who duelled the blue king for hours after everyone was dead, clinging to the last gasps of life he could muster 'till the end of the day... The red Champion resolved he would remain idle no more! 13:45 Instead of taking back provinces, he went on the offensive and intercepted the yellow army, twice as numerous as his own. His men fought like lions and he killed 4 enemies himself. In the end, there were only 2 casualties on his side for the yellows' 20. For this miraculous victory, he earned his second level. 14:27 14:41 15:29 17:15 18:11 21:02 Emboldened by their general's actions, the red provinces drafted militias and repelled the enemy on their own, again and again. No matter the odds, no matter the numbers. 16:26 He travelled far to the West, where it was said the Berserk Sisters gathered, and interrupted their monthly rally to cower them into submission. He had overestimated his strength however, and though in the end he prevailed, the victory was costly: of his battle-hardened veterans, he had only 2 left, and the Sisters would not agree to bolster his forces again, though they swore fealty to the red king. 19:20 While he was West, he figured he would visit that blue king he had heard was a famed duellist. The castle was heavily defended. He cared not for the defences. His 2 soldiers killed half the defenders before they fell, he dealt with the rest. Then, alone against the blue king, they fought, scoring hit against each other, clashing, breaking the engagement... But at the end of the day, the red was victorious, along among corpses and a ruin of a castle. Blood seeped from the blue halls, forever poisoning the ground and forbidding anyone from settling the land. From now on, he would be known as the Blood Knight. THE BLOOD CRUSADE 21:38 Greatly wounded after this duel, the Blood Knight was disheartened. Had he mastered the sword only to become an instrument of death and ruin? He travelled to the Middle Monastery, where all knights once studied, to consult his old master. But the place had been overrun by the hated blues! In fury and rage, he murdered 5 knights just as skilled as him, taking but a scratch. He looked back on his past, and saw futility. He looked at the future, and promised that the world would drown in blood for his suffering. With this soul-searching quest, he earned his third level, the only one to reach such strength at the time. 24:09 Alone in faraway lands, he found that his path was one of war and conquest. In two weeks, he conquered the lands 5 times, before heading back home. The militias protecting the country were slowly getting worn out. 25:01 With a fresh army, his first instinct was to seek the closest enemy army (outnumbered as usual, it made no difference to him) and crush them. In the darkened woods, he killed and killed and killed, until where 58 soldiers had met there was no one left but him. 31:34 At the head of the largest army the reds had ever mustered, he headed North where the yellow king laid. On the way, he lost one third of his troops in a skirmish, proving ever the warlord but not the tactician. What did he care? Numbers had never been a problem for him. Against the yellows' walls, he threw wave after wave of his soldiers, until all was blood. Then, the Blood Knight entered the eerily silent castle, where only one of his soldiers was left alive. He walked up to the exhausted yellow king, and ended him. Meanwhile, the provinces had fallen, one by one. He needed to restore order before he could hunt down the last enemy king. 32:38 32:47 35:35 35:55 The greens were pragmatic and fine strategists. After their failed operation against the blue king, their military had undertaken a complete overhaul. No more last stands, no more heroic charges. Their logistics were flawless, their army perfectly organized. They had followed in the wake of the Blood Knight's destruction, conquering here and there, building their empire. The Blood Knight had only might and bloodthirst for himself. He believed it was enough. 36:21 The greens knew better than to challenge the Blood Knight. With the greatest army ever gathered, they marched North and East, until, in the castle, the red king they did slay. There was no great deed done that day. Only clear, predictable, efficient warmaking. THE KNIGHT ERRANT The red king was dead, but the Blood Knight was bloodthirsty still. Yet what could be his purpose, without liege and without orders? He resolved to keep fighting, 'till death make him stop, the death of all his enemies. 37:12 The Blood Knight reminds North Town of their allegiance, and with the quiet resolution of a thousand promised deaths, or a blind war to the end of times, he earns his fourth level, the level never equalled since then. 38:10 The green war doctrine was clear: avoid the Blood Knight, conquer and exhaust the remnants of the once mighty red kingdom. They should have heeded the green war doctrine. 38:43 The Monastery, again. Everytime he comes back, he finds his childhood home infested with foreigners, the Knight Aspirants banding to resist him! What has he done? Why must they make him kill them again and again? 40:04 40:56 42:26 43:01 43:34 44:29 45:09 45:45 46:12 Alone or with a few companions, he travels from town to town, cutting down greens and drafting reds. Few can follow his frenetic rythm; he marches on regardless. The kingless kingdom must endure. 46:55 The elusive green general never fights his own battles. But his cunning and patience is paying off: he has, slowly but surely, amassed a large troop, drilled them to exhaustion, hardened them through a dozen battles. Now, they are all veterans, the greatest heroless army ever gathered. Today, the greens rehearse slaughtering knights. They all know what is waiting for them. There is one enemy that might cast them down yet... NIGHTFALL 47:19 Green heathens and Berserk Sisters in this sacred place? The Blood Knight is getting weary. He is losing the war, one victory at a time. His companions fall one by one. The green general has made a study of the Blood Knight. All his strategy hinges on understanding the finest details of his opponent's psyche. The Monastery changes hands 25 times in a month. The Blood Knight is getting mad with fury. 48:47 THE FINAL BATTLE. Three times as many greens as red. It is a fair fight. As soon as the armies engage, the green veterans swarm the Blood Knight; they know there is only one way they might survive the encounter. They have trained their whole lives for this single moment. In a matter of moments, all his allies are dead. He does not care. He cuts the enemy down, one marble at a time. They come, ever more numerous, ever better armed. He swings, he runs from one soldier to the other across the battlefield. His enemies organize rotations into the fight to mend their wounds, but still he fells them, one after the other. But sometimes... Sometimes, he takes a wound. And as the hours pass, as the sun sets, as the pool of blood at his feet seeps into the ground, he weakens. Some of this blood belongs to him. As the sun disappears, the Blood Knight falls. His victims are too many to be counted. Blood is the only measure he will be remembered by. The rest is history. The green general did not forget patience after his victory, and took the time to replenish his forces. The last reds never stood a chance.
  • What if once a marble reaches level 5, it can re-establish it's castle and become it's new king? 😮
  • @BigTi.
    This one was the most intense one so far. Red put up such a great resistance against green who just stole the low post from red. The Red knight did not get routed once but as soon as we saw that final battle approaching and the knight fall all hope was far gone
  • @romanlaws3943
    "When the capital fell under siege and my king needed me most, I was away on campaign... He died with his guards in a true Red fashion. I just hope my end can be as glorious as his..." -Red Hero.
  • Honestly one of tej best series in the marble animated community
  • @ananimys_3034
    Interesting fact about the "Red General": he killed 119 enemies
  • @Drew-vv9ef
    The red commander is probably the best soldier I’ve seen so far. Btw for aesthetics it might be cool to make 3+ promotion troops golden in weapons and armor
  • @BlightCosmos
    Red hero basically had the strength of a barbarian The protection of a knight And the reach of a spear
  • @620gazza
    Can we get stats for the kills and deaths, i feel like red was seriously punching above its weight
  • @emhkayho
    Random soldier: Where's the army? That one Red General: You are looking at it.
  • Even after their hero fell, Red’s last bastion made a Spartan-style last stand at the very end; they faced a 160-MAN ARMY and took down 3/4ths of it.
  • @Assassins33
    Красный генерал служил верой и правдой своему королю. Он в одиночку перекосил десятки солдат И даже после смерти правителя он продолжал бороться как партизан. Слава красному герою!!!