Thanks To Penny & Kaytee

Following their amazing Pet & Parent Longevity Summit, Penny Wood & Kaytee Hadley are hosting a workshop this weekend - 4 hours each day going in depth with health tips for our lifestyle as people with pets.

Although I've lead an organically healthy lifestyle, their workshop is serving to refine details that are new, and shining light on aspects of pet parenting that I didn't know. I wish I knew so much of this when Cheyana was a younger dog in my life, and like many, carry a guilt that although I did the best I could at the time, she'd have lived a longer life without the pain of some of the issues she developed from me not knowing some of the alternative therapies offered up now.

I take comfort in knowing I can provide little Juliette with these options. Cheyana IS coming through me from her place in non-physical, and co-authoring a book with me. As those who know me, know I receive messages from pets & people who have transitioned back into spirit, I am working toward refining and offering my gifts as a service to others.

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