The 7 Flaws of TomSka


コメント (21)
  • @themothy
    When you're chubby you're cute and when you're not you're still cute. No such thing as a horrible body. You look lovely.
  • See I like Tomska He is funny He is relatable And He Doesnt make Fun
  • Love u Tom. Still think you're awesome. Also cute. You look fine (the mirror lies. you look better than u think u do, promise)
  • Sure, I'll do it 1. I have a giant ego, I believe I'm perfect and always find flaws with everyone except me. 2. - 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. -
  • You may have these flaws, TomSka, but I can think of at least 5 strengths. 1) Creative Mind - just look at the amazing videos and skits you've created. 2) Self-Honest - this video prooves it. 3) Determined - specifically regarding the series you've started recently. 4) A Very Excellent Beard 5) Committed - no matter how lazy you may be, you are committed!
  • 1)I have a nervous stomach,if I get to nervous I vomit. 2)I don't want to be social,I hate big crowds and I just want to be with certain people 3)I care about people to much,if I see someone hurt I freak out. Two days ago my friend got hurt and I freaked :/ 4)I sometimes get clingy,when I get anxious around people I cling onto my friends 5)I can't shut my mouth,if I get nervous I tend to just talk randomly about random things 6)I care to much about friendship,if someone hurts me physically or mentally and I called them my friend I would still hang out with them because I don't want to lose friends 7)Obsessions,if I find something new and I really like it I tend to get obsessed quickly my friends get annoyed with the things that make me happy and it makes me feel bad
  • Mate, we all have our problems. I have a train load (really bad pun hahahaha) of problems. But only the brave and awesome people like you have the guts to admit it.
  • Tomska, it took a lot of guts to tell half a million people+ about your flaws that nobody could have guessed about you. It also takes a lot of maturity to admit you have those problems. You have my respect. In the end you still manage to make me smile and help me relax at the end of the day
  • @meepleech
    It's been 8 years Tom. We still love you. and we will always do
  • @SnakeBum
    You may have had body acne, but at least you have beautiful ears
  • Watching this is like watching an adult, male version of myself. Not kidding, seriously.
  • @felucca
    2:48 "I don't have ADHD", except he's now diagnosed with ADHD. Pour one out for the Tom of the past who assumed he was just lazy for like 10 more years after this video.
  • dude... when I saw the first 2 minutes I was like "wow, that's just like me!" but when you said you picked your a nose picker I was like "omg this dude is like a copy of me O.O"
  • EDIT : my comment made people mad, by ''I don't care'' I mean that I don't focus on Tom's flaws and prefer to focus on all of his awesomeness. My comment is supportive towards TomSka. Sorry for all the confusion 1) Don't care 2) Don't care 3) Don't care 4) Don't care 5) Don't care 6) Don't care 7) Don't care You're awesome, Tom. Don't you forget it!
  • Thousands of people hate you, but hundred thousands love you.
  • The 7 flaws of myself: 1) I have ADHD 2) I'm a procrastinator 3) I have trichitillomania 4) I have a messy room 5) I sleep about 6 hours on a school day and weekends I sleep about 19 hours 6) I'm always on the internet 7) I drink alcohol
  • @woof2527
    1. I have bad social anxiety so it's hard to met and make friends ;-; 2. I have a really shot attention span ;( 3. I'm depressed af 4. I think my art is horrible 5. When ever I'm in a big crowd or there is too many people around me I start having a panic attack 6. I'm fat so I think everyone is judging me every second 7. I get very annoyed easily and when I'm mad I say really really rude stuff to the person who made me mad( be a stranger, friend, best friend... I would be super mad at them and say stuff I regret ;-;) (I know this is more then seven but I have a lot of flaws ;-;) 8. I'm an insomniac 9. I suck at communicating when I'm sad or upset 10. I procrastinate when I have to do something really important ;-; 11. I'm insecure And yep that's it.. ;-; I have so much flaws...