9 More HORRIFYING Incidents That Happened Live

Published 2022-06-28

All Comments (21)
  • The fact that Gary’s wife said “The least you could’ve done was let me drive you” shows that she wasn’t even against him killing him. That’s a wife.
  • The fact that Gary Plauche got a suspended sentence shows that even the judge wasn't that upset about Jeff. Sometimes vigilantism is worth it.
  • @N.I.R.A.T.I.A.S.
    "Why Gary, why?" Come on, man. I don't even have kids and I know exactly why. Gary's a hero.
  • @vcupiano
    The fact that Gary didn’t go to prison for killing that monster who molested his child warms my heart. No mercy for pederasses.
  • That’s a judge who understands true crime, he did his studying. Gary wasn’t a killer, he wasn’t vicious, he was a loving father blinded by the horrors of what another man could produce, glad the judge was able to see that.
  • What Gary is something all fathers would do in a heartbeat. Big praise to the judge for giving Gary a suspended sentence plus 300 hours of community service.
  • @emilyofjane
    The Challenger explosion (as someone born long after it happened) is still wild to me. Somewhere, there was an entire classroom of kids that were watching their teacher make history by going up into space…and then all of those kids were forced to watch their teacher die on live television. I can’t even imagine the kind of trauma that gave them
  • @hollieBlu303
    Gary Plauche is an embodiment of a dedicated parent. I don't condone murder (obvs) and often don't condone the death sentence...but if that was my kid, I'd do the same and be proud of my actions. This man is a hero in my book.
  • With the way the legal system handles child predators, Gary saved a lot more children. The legal system would have let the sicko out within a few years, Gary made sure that wasn't going to happen. Gary was and is a hero.
  • @SquidProQuo80
    Gary Plauche is and always will be nothing short of a hero as he prevented a monster from harming any more innocent children. Thank you Gary for your bravery and for doing the right thing even though it might have cost you everything!
  • @D-AMJ-C
    I remember sitting on the floor with about a hundred other fellow gradeschoolers, & being so confused when the space shuttle exploded. Our 2 teachers whispered to each other before 1 went & turned the TV off. Everyone went right into lessons with no further discussion about what had just happened. Obviously we all learned more from our guardians that evening. Days later, my school planted 7 saplings in honor of the crew. My own children climbed those large trees decades later.
  • @yeeyeehaircut
    My mom heard the story of Gary Plauche when it happened, and she was glad to see that he didn't get prison time. She has also said to me and my siblings that she would do the same thing that Gary did if anyone tried to hurt us. I fully understand it because you gotta do what you gotta do to protect your sons and daughters.
  • As a dad, I can easily say that Gary Plauche is a hero. The guy he killed won't be missed by anyone. He took a dangerous predator off the street and made sure no more children would ever get hurt by him. I would've done the exact same thing he did without a second of hesitation. Thank you, Gary.
  • @grosskidsidd
    As a victim of SA, Gary will always be a hero to me. He did what nearly nobody has the courage or ability to, and the fact he kept his word that he doesn’t regret a single thing he did that day is always amazing to hear.
  • My Great Aunt was actually at the Hartford Circus Fire.... Her & her friend had gotten tickets from thier boss (who couldn't attend) at the Hartford Insurance company. She has told me about the horror several times. She actually turned 100 this previous January. So thankful she survived & I know her. As for the Challenger disaster I was home sick from school that day & actually watched it live on T.V. watching the crowd (more specifically Christie McAuliffe parents) going from clapping and cheering to absolute shock has always stayed with me.
  • Can you blame that poor father? He only did what any other parent would want to do. Also, I love the response from that mother. 👍🏼
  • @jlfrench3667
    The Night Club fire where the staff was asking people to “pay” before leaving as they were trying to escape the blaze was absolutely ludacris. Just goes to show the negligence and incompetence of the staff and owner involved. Greed was definitely the ultimate cause of that tragedy. 💔
  • Crazy thing; my grandmother on my mom's side, who would have been six at the time, almost went to the Hartford circus fire, but was kept from going there because her mother/my great grandmother had a horrifying vision/dream when she was asleep one night and kept them at home. We also need more fathers like Gary, who was a true hero, and Doucet fully deserved what he got, not horrifying at all to see what happened to him.