Rich Fantasy Lives

Published 2007-10-30
Rob Balder, Tom Smith & Will Frank perform Rob & Tom's "Rich Fantasy Lives" at OVFF's Pegasus Nominees Concert with Judi Miller signing on Friday, Oct 26, 2007.

All Comments (8)
  • @drmom5
    I'd love to be a Norwegian Princess. Or any other country!
  • @dornbeast
    It's a fantasy. It doesn't have to be historically accurate, as long as it suits its creator's fancy.
  • @filkertom
    Thank you, thank you! By chance, do you have a version where we introduce Will?
  • @JohnOHalloran
    Alas no, my little camera has a long video start up and I missed most of the intro as well.
  • @2206411411
    Filk is a difficult artform to do well and those with the imagination don't necessarily have the voice or the ability to weave the thoughts into quality songs. I hold all skilled filkmasters in high regard and these experts are no exception.