Forbidden footage of actual location of Red Sea Crossing & Mt. Sinai

Published 2017-07-07
The real exodus location has been found. Did the Red Sea crossing in Exodus happen and if so where is the evidence? This episode is packed full of evidence from photographs to video footage of the actual location of this historical event with our Special Guest Kevin Fisher!

This episode is one to share with your friends and family. There is evidence at the bottom of the Red Sea from chariot wheels to bones covered in coral. Cave drawings, altars, and even destroyed columns can still be found in Mount Sinai. Your faith won’t be shaken again!

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All Comments (21)
  • This is amazing. When I was in the Navy, we sailed across this point, the Captain announced over the 1MC that God parted the sea for Moses to cross. We were heading to the Persian gulf, to rescue Americans from Iran. I was young and dumb, not realizing the significance of it. We stopped at Jordan, where I took a tour to and through the lost city of Petra. Most amazing thing I've ever seen. God isn't great, he's greatest of all. So thankful to have been there.
  • @qwiklok
    What makes this so CREDIBLE is non hype, professional, factual, quiet presentation format. It actually reinforces an already solid trust in a real God. When doubts and trials arise as they surely have, we can go back to this AND know God as real as it gets. This goes a long long way. Thank You
  • @paul1242
    I think the Lord picked this increasingly narrow mountain route very carefully to illustrate the point He was making in scripture: "For small is the gate and narrow the way leading to life, and few are those finding it." -Matthew 7:14
  • @terrence8059
    Amazing! God has left evidence of THE Holy Bible in the landscape. I'm a Christian I believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
  • Thank you Jesus Christ for allowing the world see your Glory through that man RW & sons. Thank you for using him & family. We 💝 You Jesus Christ
  • Thank you for showing us the actual footage of place when Moses and Israelite's escape from Egypt..It strengthen our faith for we believe even without seeing .
  • @simi6152
    2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right."
  • @rtybn2012
    I am a Christian and have NEVER disputed anything in the Bible. It is God's word and if He said it happened it happened and if He says it will happen it will happen, God can not lie.
  • @glennhudson1614
    Thank you for making sure that Ron Wyatt (and his 2 sons Ronny and Danny) get the honor they deserve for discovering all this, with their faith in Gods guidance, their prayers, their hard labor, and their own money, for years on end, God bless you and God bless the name of Ron Wyatt for all time for what he has done.
  • @andycruz1204
    Oh my! I'm amazed by this video. Imagine seeing this relics attesting the authenticity of that event during Exodus. Seeing this in actual will be a trip of a lifetime for a believing Christian. It's like one step closer to seeing God before a person's afterlife. God sure is kind enough to let us see this for the doubting Thomases.
  • @peety6333
    I would love to visit the Holy Land.
    Why isn't this going viral? Share it people this is amazing!
  • @bioswars8827
    Thank you for exploring and sharing your findings with all of the world. Praise be to the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and Earth.
  • @randycoger2525
    AMZAZING!!!!! Thank you GOD for leaving us the proof of Your mighty hand so those who have not seen, can see.
  • This is so powerful to actually see. I have always believed the Bible, but to see the evidence there, left by God as proof to all!! How can anyone not believe
  • @Bad_Batch_65
    It's wonderful that you've taken up the discoveries of R Wyatt to the furtherance of the Gospel. Praise be to GOD that the Great Commission be carried out until the very end of time, as foretold. I think many discoveries will be laid bare, shortly. To GOD be the glory and all praise
  • @andrewlankes
    Thank you to Ron Wyatt, his family and above all - YAHWEH!!
  • This is the most amazing find for sure!!! Proves again that the OT of the Bible is a History book and is flawless in its descriptions of ancient events!
  • @rosewhite---
    the Bible says knowledge will increase in the End Times.