[Mobile 120hz] "Acropolis" 100% (Insane Demon #2)

Well, never expected to beat this.

About 21000 attempts, 18 months, my second mobile insane demon and a new hardest. I did this on my 120hz iPad, so it felt much easier (although in my opinion, Acropolis isn't much harder than Windy Landscape even on 60hz). I got 66% on September 6th, 2023 on my 60hz Android, barely played it since. Then I started playing it again, got 61%, 72% new best and 64 on May 22, 2024, some more practice on May 24, and after a couple 60+ fails I beat it on May 25. G fricking G.

Device: iPad 6, 120hz, decent performance and click delay.
Attempts: about 10k old, 10230 on 60hz Android (my best there is 66%), 847 on iPad.
Enjoyment: 9/10
Level ID: 5155022
Difficulty: 8/10

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