The Atheist Experience 705 with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples

The Atheist Experience 705 of April 17, 2011, with Matt Dillahunty and Jen Peeples.
Jen and Matt examine the claim that anti-gay bullying bans in schools are discrimination against Christians.

00:48- Intro & Announcements - Matt Dillahunty
06:01- Matt & Jen on Christians being bullied
11:48- Luke (theist): claims to be a member of Stone Church, fear of going to hell
22:36- John: the commandments in Exodus chapter 20
26:30- Chris (atheist): the fate of non-Christians
32:58- Alon: atheists should use the Bible to show how their religion is wrong
39:07- Jonathan: are atheists motivated by not wanting to pay for what they've done, Christian rhetoric about homosexuality, the billy-goat atheist parody
50:03- John (atheist): isn't getting much from atheism, being discriminated against due to atheism
56:59- Mark (fake theist 'Mark from Stone Church'): Christian values, indoctrination, loving your neighbour

You can read more about this episode on The Atheist Experience blog:…


The Atheist Experience is a weekly cable access television show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin. The Atheist Community of Austin is organized as a nonprofit educational corporation to develop and support the atheist community, to provide opportunities for socializing and friendship, to promote secular viewpoints, to encourage positive atheist culture, to defend the first amendment principle of state-church separation, to oppose discrimination against atheists and to work with other organizations in pursuit of common goals.

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Theme song: "Listen to Reason," written and performed by Bryan Steeksma.


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"The Atheist Experience" is a registered trademark of the ACA.

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コメント (21)
  • 11:48- Luke (theist): claims to be a member of Stone Church, fear of going to hell 22:36- John: the commandments in Exodus chapter 20 26:30- Chris (atheist): the fate of non-Christians 32:58- Alon: atheists should use the Bible to show how their religion is wrong 39:07- Jonathan: are atheists motivated by not wanting to pay for what they've done, Christian rhetoric about homosexuality, the billy-goat atheist parody 50:03- John (atheist): isn't getting much from atheism, being discriminated against due to atheism 56:59- Mark (fake theist 'Mark from Stone Church'): Christian values, indoctrination, loving your neighbour
  • 'If I did not know about god and sin, would I go to hell?' The priest says 'No, not if you did not know' Then the eskimo says 'Then why did you tell me?'
  • Slaves were also very very intolerant of their owner's beliefs regarding slavery.
  • @mullm5375
    Matt is a vet!? Cool the service is what helped me kick my religious habits, thanks for your service Matt!
  • It was beautiful when the guy at the end figured it out.  He was led to water and took a drink.  That's one of the best parts of the show, when someone finally figures it out and starts thinking for themselves.
  • At the end of the show, I was half expecting the crew to pick up Jen and Matt and carry them off.
  • @dangerics
    The Stone Church people all seem to do the exasperated sigh when asked a question.
  • @koru9780
    Believing in something just to avoid a consequence is cowardice.
  • It's funny how a lot of anti-gay preachers are often the first ones you find on their knees (not to pray), letting someone besides Jesus "into their body".
  • In regards to christian's who believe that those who die never having heard about Jesus go straight to heaven, I wonder how many of them support missionary work because presumably telling people about Jesus is a negative thing to do because you have now given them the opportunity to not believe and therefore go to hell, where as previously they had no option to reject the claims.
  • Wow, I am so proud of the guy at the end, and how he comes to that conclusion. I sincerely hope he continues to use his critcal mind to examine his faith, among other things. It's inspiring to hear him realize that his own ability to decide is worth more than some ancient book, and I hope others have taken heed, and have decided to apply their ability to reason to the dogma that they've been fed. Congradulations, Matt, Jen, and the rest of the team, for helping this man to see what his mind is capable of. You truly provide a necessary service to humanity, and I applaud you all.
  • Mark finally sees the light! Took him long enough, but totally worth keeping the cameras rolling for!
  • I'm from the UK. Is it true that they teach all that religious stuff in schools like it's fact? That's soooo strange. England is a Christian country. We are headed by the queen who is the head of the church of England. Yet we are in no way stupid enough to fuck our kids up in such a way.
  • when i sneeze, i immediately follow it with a "fuck you!" just to preempt the inevitable "god bless you". (unless of course im in a venue where saying that would be inappropriate)
  • @Xiao6996
    That ending, man I'm so glad they didn't stop recording because that was beautiful. Mark actually learned a very serious and powerful lesson. Now lets hope it sticks.
  • @anttuber
    Bravo to Mark! Questioning your beliefs is a huge milestone! Then slowly going through de-conversion is the life changing decision for the rest of your life. The pressures of being “rejected” and “displaced” by your family and social circles needs heavy evaluation. Mark gets my applause.
  • Listening to Mark's lights turn on at the end made the whole thing worthwhile. Great advice, guys!