#mlbb #solorank #yss

After they decided to change algorithm for match making my win rate kept falling..

P.S: Based on my checks, they have been matching me with players with win rate less than 50% (All seasons)

So basically is their way of “moderating” matches by forcing a 60% win rate with a group of less than 50% win rate players. This algorithm is beneficial to players with win rate range 50% - 59% OR a group of 5 players with win rate each about 50% (Otherwise be ready to wait for 10 minutes)

One thing #mlbb never understood.. noobs will be noobs.. not because they cannot be better but rather they only want to be “carried”.. this is exceptional unfair to good players who put in effort to train.

In this match however, I managed to carry the team.. with 2 noobs and 2 trolls

In a nutshell..

1. I have a #nana as first pick (1 troll)
2. I have a #Eudora who bought mask to roam but stick to single lane for some reason (1 noob)
3. I have #sun who obviously have no idea how to play or gank (But he believes he is good; disillusioned noob)
4 I have a tank who has a state rank but stole my buff twice doesn’t buy mask to roam and obviously doesn’t know that jungle alone is easier for me (1 troll)

P.S: the other match which they kept inviting me, but I kept rejecting then finally accidentally accept their invitation which was too late for me to leave cause it started almost instantly. A piece of advise don’t invite good players to lose with you. They reject invitation for a good reason.. they knew the team was noobs and troll but were lucky enough to win.

P.S: To #sun if you want to bitch and call me “ajg”.. just 1 question can you carry? If not please stfu. (This applies to all the disillusioned noobs who think they are good. I mean just look at your win rate, don’t lie to yourself win rate is the best testimonial to your game skills)

P.S: In the other match, it became super obvious especially when he stole my blue buff again and left me to die within first 2 mins of the game.. while #franco in the other match was hooking my buff

So it seems that #mlbb wants to force players with higher win rate with absolute noobs with 1000 ~ 2000 games (but extremely low win rate)

P.S: So far every match I played it’s guaranteed I will meet 3 noobs with doesn’t know draft pick if I’m lucky. If not, it will be 3 noobs and 1 troll.. as a result my current season win rate. (Less than 60%)

Tried #wildrift a few times but it’s really crap.. so for now I will stick to #mlbb (cause both are bad but #wildrift is worst)

In this match, it’s a typical example of 2 noobs and 2 trolls.. but surprisingly I won. Managed to farm in time after being delayed by my tank. (To be fair the opponent are really bad.. not because my team is good. My team based on draft pick is kinda obvious they are noobs)