Spider-Man Starts Killing

Published 2023-04-03

All Comments (21)
  • @rwberger6
    Everyone in the marvel universe forgets that Spiderman has super strength. Not on like the Hulks level obviously, but he could arm wrestle the Thing.
  • I like how his "dark path" led to him getting a brighter future than he normally does.
  • @frofrozzty
    I like this dark-Spidey story a lot, feels organic and not overly edgy. Also, the fact that Peter programmed the same gesture+pressure tech from his web shooters to make literal "finger guns" is the most accurate thing that an unethical Peter Parker would implement into his suit. That right there was chef's kiss
  • I think this one was one of the only edgy "Spider that kills" story lines I actually was semi-okay with. He more just hardened in this world, didn't go straight out evil or crazy, just more intense and... proactive in problem solving.
  • @arkking552
    Refreshing how when a character breaks their “No killing” motto instead of becoming a bloodthirsty nutcase, they become a peace keeper. Controlling their abilities and not killing when it isn’t necessary
  • @Crow_Rising
    My favorite thing about this storyline is that the transition is gradual and in-character. It's not like he accidentally kills someone and then goes into an edgy streak where now he's just okay with killing because he's done it before. He's torn with grief over the accidental killing, and still remains resolved not to let it happen again. Even in self defense, he continues to enforce his no-kill policy on himself. It's only when he's forced to take more lives that his killing inhibitions wear off, and yet still he doesn't suddenly become some edgy psycho murderer, he's still trying to do the right thing, just with killing the bad guys being a thing he's not afraid to do anymore. It's a refreshing change of pace from the usually black and white views comics tend to have on the topic. Comics about characters who refuse to kill tend to require the character to become edgy and evil to start killing. This comic takes a step back and says "Spider-Man Peter Parker doesn't need to become an edgy bad guy to kill, he just has to become more morally grey." and as such it feels like the most genuine version of the character who kills. He hasn't become an entirely different person, he's just changed his mind about some things.
  • @RiceCubeTech
    Ironically the one reason spider man couldn’t lift Thors hammer in 616 was because he wouldn’t kill for the greater good. Wonder if this spider man could lift it
  • @fredz91
    Spiderman is such a good guy that the writers need to make multiple comics, where he’s evil
  • @teamofone1219
    This version of Spiderman would make Deadpool proud.
  • @Razzrazz90
    I appreciate that this didn’t just turn into another “Superhero kills the Marvel Universe” situation It felt a bit more organic, with Peter still being Peter, doing what he thinks is the right thing to do, but with the removal of the no-kill rule.
  • @bobbyavitia
    Honestly, probably one of the happier Peters in the multiverse.
  • @thaitoan4760
    It’s moment like this reminds me of how insanely strong Spiderman is. My man is literally one step away from being an avenger level threat with his mind and strength
  • I just wish some of these what if stories got expanded and maybe even a full run
  • This was actually WAAAAY better then I thoight by just reading the title. Most of these "Samarian hero starts killing" is just so bad and edgy and over done a million times you get sick of it but this was actually well made and really unique. I could ACTUALLY see this working as a hero of his own y'know?
  • Wow I totally love this story. The big issue with the whole "killing is bad" is that it completely contradicts our whole culture of calling soldiers heroes. I feel like this is a much more mature take on it. What would happen if an honorable soldier got super powers? Would he stop killing? Probably not, but it would give him the power to fight enemies that are too dangerous to take on before.
  • @Karloss00
    Another alternate universe where Spider-Man has a better life then the default.
  • @alexbarker975
    There's something utterly horrifying about the spider picking YOUR limbs off, and they usually do a good job of showcasing how scary spiderman actually is when he goes off the rails
  • @sadboi9477
    So you're telling me if Spiderman has become a train killing machine. He gets to be happy while our Spiderman, who has a kindness cant catch a break to the writers?