Deadpool III: Is Logan Ruined?

Publicado 2022-10-05
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Hugh Jackman starred as Logan / Wolverine for 17 years before ending his run in the fantastic "Logan" in 2017. Now, it turns out Jackman will return alongside Ryan Reynolds for Deadpool 3! With that in mind, is the point behind the 2017 movie effectively ruined? Or does it not matter?

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Logan. 2017. Directed by James Mangold.
Deadpool III. 2024. Directed by Shawn Levy.

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#deadpool3 #logan #wolverine

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @FullFatVideos
    A big thanks to Topps for Sponsoring the Channel. Be sure to join and follow me on Marvel Collect! By Topps by clicking my link - You can also add me through my username FULLFATVIDEOS
  • Strongly disagree. I can separate the stories because they are unrelated. Logan exists & always will & if they keep the story untouched then it will remained Logan's great end. Prequels can just be additional fun. After Deadpool 3, you can always rewatch Logan. Any X-Men marathon will still end with Logan and the emotional journey will remain the same.
  • @Crimson28
    No because James Mangold, Hugh and Ryan confirmed Logan is it’s own thing. It’s more of a standalone story, and likely isn't intended to fit inside the greater Fox X-Men continuity.
  • @LaneGamesYT
    Maybe its just me, but I don't think this is bad. Being in a Deadpool movie is as meta and non canon as you can typically get. It doesn't affect Jackman's legacy. Even if its the worst case scenario, awful movie, tries to connect to every canonicity, etc. That doesn't retroactively make Logan any worse. It doesn't make that not the end of Wolverine's story. They can't undo it
  • I think one peice of media ruining another peice of media is the worst common media take.
  • @LordCornshoe
    I totally agree with you that Logan is a "What If" or an alternate timeline. The Days of Future Past ending would have only taken place less than ten years before Logan, and that just doesn't feel like enough time for things to have degraded to the way they are in Logan. Plus, I like the happier future ending better too.
  • @suto5704
    I don't think this affects logan at all for me personally. Obviously thinking it was gonna be the last time we saw Hugh and Patrick added some emotional impact but Logan didn't feel like some grand send off to the fox universe, it felt more like a stand alone story about an older logan and charles to me. I guess for me the idea of it being their last time didn't add much aside form some nice bittersweet feelings and even if dp3 is horrible it doesn't ruin the meaning behind Logan
  • I honestly don't understand why people don't want Logan to not exist. Logan was essentially the worst case scenario. It was even worse than M-Day, at least M-Day left the 198 and the potential for new mutants to be born once the phoenix dispersal happened. They're not gonna undo it, but like... they undid X1, X2, the future part of Days of Future Past, all these movies that yall love. And we were happy with it. Because these characters deserve a happy ending. I don't want the end of the mutants to be immutable, absolute, complete for the universe that I grew up with. The X-Men movies were my childhood, and I don't want it to end like that. Logan is a masterpiece, but I could still appreciate it if it was undone. I want the end of this movie to be the 2000s X-men living on Krakoa, with resurrection, happy, no massacres, no cataclysms, etc. I know that's not gonna happen, but here's my thoughts, from a major X-Men fan. Logan is always approached as an immutable end... but the most famous X-Men comic of all time is about traveling back and undoing the worst case scenario. Earth 295 is still incredible even if it will never be the true future.
  • @ajtaylor8750
    You know they're going to poke fun at the fact that Logan is alive in this Deadpool film.
  • @AceOfHeartz4
    Im not sure continuity means much in deadpool or the mcu in this situation. Also logan was never the main story. Just a side story. Its purpose remains the same. The final true send off to his serious portayal
  • @DWboy14
    Sabertooth should definitely come back in deadpool 3 because I always think it was so good in the reunion video
  • @littleredruri
    Logan was supposed to be the last time we see the character on screen, i get it. But I don't think that matters as much as you think it does. Timeline-wise it'll still be the end of his character, and in rewatch order it'll still come last... the only possible time this will be an issue is while this movie is in cinema, and I don't think either you or me is gonna pass up the opportunity to see Hugh Jackman on screen again. I guess it also matters like... symbolically? But apparently Hugh wanted to do this, so why does that really matter? Logan is the end. That's it. This won't change that. Stop pretending it will.
  • I didn't know that Logan is supposed to be the last Hugh Jackman's movie as Wolverine and Patrick Stuart's as Xavier. I assure you this movie was just as great to watch without me knowing it. I always thought of it more as an alternate universe film, like many of the comic books. Experimental, and all the better for it. This movie made itself so powerful by being a good movie. Not some external context.
  • I’m glad to hear someone give days of future past some love for once. That is my personal favourite superhero movie, and it always will be.
  • This is just like special episodes in doctor who. Regeneration scenes are meant as a goodbye to the character, but the actors come back for those episodes.
  • @archer4740
    the only thing i want is for deadpool to run into a situation where he cant go quite as far as he could before [ like gore or cursing or some dark joke ] and then fall down to his knees and scream fiege like vader says no
  • @stevenphelps625
    What if they actually did that where it was just Hugh Jackman playing himself but the big reveal was that Hugh Jackman really did have Wolverine super powers in real life and he utilizes that in a fight. That would be hilarious because then the explanation for him getting the part of Wolverine would be the totally ridiculous fact that he actually is like Wolverine.
  • No. I disagree. Logan was not "made such a powerful movie" because Hugh Jackman, at some point, promised he was retiring from the character. Logan does not suddenly metamorphose into a theme park ride because Jackman wants to play the character again, for better or worse. Logan is a classic because of the powerful writing, directing, and acting of the professionals involved, and nothing can ever change that for me. Would it have made such an impact without Jackman's history playing the role? Perhaps not, but whatever comes after has no impact at all, in my opinion.
  • @Sapphono
    Maby it was just me, but this always seemed like less of Hugh Jackman entering the MCU as Wolverine permanently and more of an epilogue. His time as the character truly did conclude with Logun and that will never change but this is an extra bonus to his story. I think of it like Antman in phase 2 or No Way Home in phase 3, those phases did truly end with their respective Avengers move this is just a bonus. Obviously, that's if this truly is his last movie as Wolverine. If this is just the beginning of him appearing in more MCU movies than I agree with you but if it's just for Deadpool 3 than I'm all here for it.
  • @Riley_C.
    Since Deadpool knew about Logan in 2, I hope he’s trying to stop the events of Logan from happening in 3, but he fails and Logan still happens anyway, like that’s his ultimate fate that Deadpool can’t do anything about.