Why Pokemon BDSP Failed As A Remake

It's safe to say that BDSP did NOT live up to expectations and this shows more as when compare these remakes to those of the past. In this video I go into detail about why Pokemon BDSP failed as a remake.

コメント (21)
  • My problem was that they basically took the OG games, made it worse, turned it into 3D and didn’t really add anything new. Even platinum had more things added than BDSP. It should’ve been like ORAS where they added so much new things from mechanics to Redesigns to plot, that it basically felt like a new game but still felt true to the original… ORAS is how a REMAKE should be
  • The rhetorical question where you asked if Pokémon devs just puts minimal effort because they know the games will sell millions of copies regardless, the answer is an astounding yes.
  • @RoseSupreme
    HGSS and ORAS have the most important mechanics to include into any remake going forward - HGSS and ORAS have SO MUCH content, with the latter even acknowledging the things that came out after Hoenn and redesign the region around that to truly make it feel like a modern retelling rather than being 1:1.
  • BDSP was soul crushing for me. My life revolved around Gen 4 back in 07 when DP were released. All my friends were just as immersed as I was in the world. DPPT are games I hold very close to me. But BDSP? It broke my heart. Instead of an ORAS style remake we got a remaster that’s not even as good as platinum… Now I’ll never get the chance to see Sinnho reimagined (even if PLA exists). It’s the first time I’ve ever felt hurt by a video game.
  • The fact they managed to remake the Shaymin glitch and didn’t account for the fact that the main character could now travel in 8 directions rather than 4 in Snowpoint gym, allowing you to just bypass the puzzle by pointing the joystick up and slightly to the left/right is amazing
  • As a Leafeon lover who always has a Leafeon on my team whenever I play platinum, you cannot imagine my disappointment when they decided to revert back to the “yeah you’ll get an eevee AFTER you beat the game” in BDSP :(
  • @en--ev
    HeartGold and SoulSilver are still, and unfortunately always will be, the peak of Pokémon remakes. They're amazing games, the best in the series in my opinion, but it’s really sad to know and see that gamefreak just hasn't and isn't going to put that same indie love and passion into their mainline Pokémon games anymore.
  • @natelikesgames
    i think that everyone’s favorite pokémon generation usually being the first one they played makes a lot of sense seeing that pretty much most of all pokémon games following the same pattern, therefore the first one the person plays feels the most original and most memorable
  • The thing that disappointed me the most with BDSP is the lack of character redesigns. I liked seeing the characters getting refreshed designs for the current age. In ORAS, characters like Maxie and Archie got massive glow ups. I also love how Pokémon remakes may introduce new characters for certain features, such as Aarune for secret bases and Lisia for contests in ORAS, and Celio for the Pokémon Network Center, a feature allowing you to connect to other Gen 3 games in FRLG. BDSP didn’t have any character redesigns or any new characters for the new features. Imagine if we got a new character to introduce us to Ramanas Park, or redesigns for any of the characters in BDSP.
  • I feel like Firered and Leafgreen are underestimated as remakes so hard. They were fantastic as remakes. The entire Sevii islands were such a fun postgame experience, that I really missed in Let's Go. I really thought LG was the worst when it came out, because it added so little new stuff. But now that BDSP are a thing even LG seems fantastic, since they did add SOME new stuff. The art direction and style was great. The pokemon were to scale and had some texture to them. The best looking pokemon games on the Switch imo. Lackluster on new content, but way better than BDSP. Still, FRLG will stay my go-to for the optimal and most complete Kanto experience.
  • What concerns me is the fact that multiple 3D iterations later and you can really see gamefreak and sub studios struggling in the 3D aspect of the development. Many decisions and assets in the game raise an eyebrow really quick to anyone with any sort of industry oriented graphics experience. From literal seams in the meshes (rather than UV seams) to blending multiple rendering pipelines, to how they handle asset management, it's no surprise that many of the core titles can't maintain beyond a 30 lock. Combine this with multiple other issues, and I genuinely think GameFreak has reached a point the name itself sells the series and as such they are focused pretty much exclusively on profit over quality. The reason for this is left to speculation, but something to keep in mind is Pokemon is almost if not 3 decades old now. 30 years is a long time for the creator to keep things up, and he isn't exactly hurting for money either. If anything from the 3DS to now has shown me anything about GameFreak, it is that they are indeed 2D devs messing in 3D space and just no longer really care for the same values they had back at it's inception.
  • Anyone know what the song at the very end of the video is? 😍
  • I was really disappointed with BDSP because the climax is kind of bland. The red chain breaks and then team galactic are just like “oh well, I guess that’s it” and leave. There was also no cutscene where the sky goes all crazy like in the originals
  • @fifipii
    my concern with gen 5 remakes is game freak will let ilca make them and we will end up never seeing any of the bw2 content again... bc if they couldn't add platinum content to bdsp there is NO WAY they're smushing together two whole games;;;;
  • @Lotuswalker
    What I always wished for a remake, was that they actually change and upgrade the content. Like dont give the trainers the same pokemonn they had in the og games. We now have a vast amount of pokemon from each type. So why give the trainers all the same team ??? And tbh I actually prefered ORAS over HGSS. As they didnt address Johtos biggest flaws in the leveling curve in the mid and late game.
  • @iviyohane
    For me, the true remake is Legends: Arceus. A Legends: Kyurem is all that I need for Gen 5.
  • Interesting topic, even with FRLG as remakes of the original RGB/Y, they were able to add all the Pokémon(in the Kanto-Honnen Dex at the time) in the game and made them available to the player(s) buy getting multiple games.
  • @mr.z2157
    Does anyone know the background music??
  • Something I would like to see is a "Complete Kyurem." Since it's stated that when Reshiram and Zekrom split from the original dragon, Kyurem was what was left, I'd like to see what Kyurem supposedly originally looked like and could do