CartierFamily Reacts To "No Lives Matter" (Tom Macdonald)

Published 2021-02-14

All Comments (21)
  • Guys, I know I'm not your target audience, I'm an OWL (old white lady) but I love watching the wheels turning as you process the thoughts and feelings your experiencing. Just wanted to tell you that I think you are amazing young men.
  • @dramspringfeald
    I cant remember which comedian said it but, "Nothing makes the Government and the Media more afraid than a White Man and a Black Man sitting next to a grill drinking beer as brothers"
  • Like him or hate him, he still grabs your attention & sparks conversations and ideas. And is doing it all on his terms. The man is brilliant & surprisingly still very sincere and humble.
  • @hockeydad6211
    I'm a 53 yo white guy and I am so happy to see people from your generation are waking up. I have been trying for decades to get my friends and family to become aware of the reality that we all live in. I truly believe YOUR generation has got to take charge. You three young fellas are doing your part, thank you.
  • @sinnirr
    The hardest part: Getting people to LISTEN. It's a matter of trust. ingrained hate, distrust, suspicions will NEVER get resolved until people talk to each other. I remember when I was younger (I'm 57 years old) I lived in a community of all colors, looking at it from from hindsight, but when I was a kid, it didn't matter and I never thought of skin color, just friends. I honestly never encountered racism, or had racist thoughts. I had fun as a kid, enjoyed being around all of the other people in the community. I got older, and that's when I observed racism and it confused me. I could never understand it. Why is it that when people get older they get so ignorant? I love that Tom is trying to bring people together to discuss these problems.
  • I almost cried to see you smart young men say it. WE NEED EACH OTHER!!! They WANT us to hate each other, we cannot let them! It's a distraction so they can keep doing what they're doing!
  • @danny14232
    I am speechless at how deep this resonates when you think of all the people in the world at war with each other because of what your being shown and told on a little box in your house. Tom Completely changed the way I look at people from different cultures. I have no hate for anybody and I hope we can all unite one day and not a thought of it enter our minds
  • @jjmichaels3537
    Black, white, Asian, Latino, we need each other, they know this thats why they keep us separated.
  • @colinweir3203
    I'm a 58 year old white guy from Australia I was born in Papua New Guinea when I was 6 I used to go to the local village and eat in the boy house with the natives they treated me as there own I never forgot, WE ARE ALL BROTHERS.✊
  • We all do honestly need each other. It is the only way to fight the system and be truly free! Much love of a 46 yr old white lady!
  • @dougmiller7592
    Do we need you? YES! This country needs young men like you thinking about these things. That's the only way things are going to change. I love the CartierFam reactions, we absolutely need you. Your thoughts matter more than you know. Great job as always.
  • @AndrewBarsky
    Never heard this absolute BANGER until now. People see the title of the track and immediately form an opinion. Tom is a great social satirist and is exactly what the young generation needs.
  • @randallbatson
    Good to see younger minds willing to subject themselves to positive messages.
  • I love how Tom turns all Reaction Youtubers into philosophers. The obvious answer to division is unity. 1L❤ve!
  • Best line of the review is when the guy in the back said “he’s messing my head up” That’s a good thing
  • Tom speaks FACTS!!!!! And YES we do NEED ya'll. We HAVE to stand together especially as Americans.
  • I literally roll my windows down and blast toms music loud because people need to hear it.
  • @jacobcooper269
    I mean, he's so spot on. Here I am, someone that's on the Right, wanting to see your opinions, even though that poster on your wall makes me feel you hate me, I know you don't, but that's what they want me to believe. His music points out that we're all actually brothers fighting against political and corporate elites who use their media to divide us for their own gains.