China's Belt And Road Initiative: 10 Years Of Evolution And Beyond | Insight | Full Episode

Published 2023-09-12
It is the 10th year of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). From Central and Southeast Asia to the Middle East and Africa, how has China’s mega infrastructure project changed the world?

In this retrospective on the 10th anniversary of the BRI, Insight looks at the developments in Asia and Africa that have sprung from China’s marquee project. From growing trade links to environmental impacts to political influence, the BRI has undeniably changed the region. But with growing economic headwinds and a flagging Chinese economy, will Beijing continue to invest in the BRI? What will the next decade bring?

00:00 Introduction
01:10 Belt and Road Initiative in Central Asia
07:55 How the war in Ukraine is shaping the BRI
12:13 Growing China-ASEAN trade
13:57 How the BRI increased durian exports from Thailand to China
17:54 Dams: Good for energy generation, bad for food supply?
26:28 China's growing influence in the Middle East
31:21 Why China is investing so much in Africa
35:34 Debt trap diplomacy?
38:40 Rise in non-performing loans on the Belt and Road
40:16 A shift in strategy for the BRI?

ABOUT THE SHOW: Insight investigates and analyses topical issues that impact Asia and the rest of the world.
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All Comments (21)
  • @sunchicheng5108
    Funny thing a loan with 2% rates call a debt traps but the loan from other 4-8% rates no one talk about!
  • Just within a DECADE, such short time .. but made HUGE impact of improvement to quality of lives to millions of people....
  • @Add50326
    Working together is something that all countries should strive to do.
  • @siewwahleong93
    It’s amazing that China has leaders who can think and plan long term for huge world-wide projects like the Belt and Road Initiative. And, then, promptly, take the first step ten years ago, on the long and arduous journey to connect China to so many countries in the world. And for its skilled engineers, technicians and workers to work so hard and determinedly to achieve the nation’s goal. The foresight and dedication of its leaders and the unity of their vision is so important. While those of some countries may be preoccupied with greed to make billions in profits or to gain control of the resources of other countries through military wars, China unceasingly focusses on its goals, building infrastructures, ports, airports, cities, hospitals, schools, etc. improving life and connectivity around the world. I’m proud of China and the Chinese people for what they have achieved in just a few short decades and admire the dedication and clarity of vision of their leaders.
  • @wuyuezhui
    Western countries: No, absolutely not possible. We only want to instill the concept of human rights in developing countries. We do not want to enable developing countries to have a better life.
  • @the0neObserver
    The battle between words vs results, Compares to Asian counterpart, Asian is known to be quiet and contented, yet quietly helping and producing prosperity. In Indonesia we have proverbs "Empty can makes the loudest sound", "Like paddy, the more it produces it's rice, the more humble/quiet and lower it's posture". I guess those truly explained it and so does "Silent is golden".
  • Africans know if you work with BRI, they may get a hospital and medical supplies but if they work with the West they get a lecture on empty stomach. BRI is far from perfect but where is the West during the difficult years when they are abandoned by the developed world. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • @chopinmack5418
    China is working on One Belt One Road ( to increase trades ) . The US is working on One Bomb One Road ( to enlarge the war zone ) .
  • @albertlim2252
    CNA TV should be available in U.S. The more global perspective the better.
  • @jli2004143
    15:15 Dude mentioned the BRI helped him acquire more mistresses. LOL.
  • @petergreen5337
    This is very good project and it must continue. Well done China well done BRI PARTNERS.
  • very clear from this documentary that china promotes peace and development. They help countries that was ignored (colonized by the west) for a long time like africa and east asia.
  • @apostolos8734
    The durian farmer couldn’t say “more mistresses” with a straight face! 😂
  • While China was busy building infrastructures, railways, hydropower dams, airports, seaports, roads, highways.....etc for many third world countries, the US was busy building more military bases around the world, sending high ranking officials to many countries to interfere on their political affairs and spend billions of dollar to aid a war in Ukraine while many Americans back home are struggling to survive where thousands of americans end up as homeless on the streets.
  • @albertwong1919
    I am an engineer, so facts, information, understanding of every factors that contribute to issues and problems and can be solved. There are man made dams as well as dams made by nature thru landslides etc... Time, habitat and nature will evolve when there are changes to the landscape, also as in life everything comes with a price, it is not a zero sum game. It will do well to understand population increase, over-fishing and also how dams flows are regulated and balance to its impact downstream is always a problem and can be fix by making catchment areas in such areas to hold water incase of upstream being restricted or cut off. The key question that should be ask is there political will and economic muscle to solve such problems. U build a dam u get almost free electricity for the people and u dont expect negatives is plain naive. Documentary should explore solutions rather than just throw problems and base on one expert keep talking about the problems .......
  • @takanna
    increasingly proud of CNA for its quality productions.
  • @tkam9
    CNA only talk about the negative of dam. Dam have many benefits. Main benefit is flood control, without which the entire valley including the towns and villages will be flooded. Dams provide water for irrigation of agricultural fields and water to livestock. The most important benefit of dam is to generate green energy through hydoelectric power which is good for the environment as a whole.
  • China had changed the world with out destroying any countries! Bravo china ❤❤❤
  • @josephchuo906
    China has make great contributions to the developing world! God bless China and BRI partners. Lifting the BRI partners out if poverty. It is time to learn Chinese.