Foods That Reverse Heart Disease | Dr. Neal Barnard Live Q&A

Published 2022-08-03
There are foods that may help unclog arteries and possibly even reverse heart disease.

Dr. Neal Barnard reveals what you can eat to help prevent and improve heart disease naturally when he joins "The Weight Loss Champion" Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room LIVE.

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Physicians Committee

Dr. Neal Barnard
Your Body In Balance:

Chuck Carroll

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The Physicians Committee is dedicated to saving lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. We combine the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the United States and around the world.

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All Comments (21)
  • @AK-no7cr
    Everything these docs say is 100% accurate and in my husband's case, provable. My husband had a massive heart attack on 3/17/ 2016 and lost 1/3 of his heart. He was a huge meat eater. After searching for my own answers and solutions, we flew to Michigan to see a plant based cardiologist who convinced my husband to give up all animal products. We went completely plant based after that and even though I was told by the hospital doctors that he may not be coming home 😢, here we are 6 years later and he's thriving...his carotid doppler went from >60% in 2017 to <40% last month! He pays ice hockey again, golf and pool. It's nothing short of miraculous. We keep cutting out more and more destructive food in the way of processed foods now also, to the ultimate goal of purely clean food, as God and nature intended in the first place! As a benefit to me, I had a cath done in 2009 which showed mild atherosclerosis, and then I had another one in 2019 which showed zero. So folks, there should be more of these doctors around, but the insurance companies only pay for docs who advocate for a) big pharma, and b) meat & dairy industry. Two powerful and in most cases, evil!
  • @joevaldivia6733
    I’m 73 years old, seven months ago I had aortic valve replacement ( no fault of my own) and I’m doing great. I was in the hospital for four and a half day and was recovering very well. I lost about 15 pounds as well as my appetite but I force myself to eat healthy foods. Two weeks after my surgery I met with my cardiologist who told me my test were looking real good as well me. I ask my cardiologist if it was okay for me to have a hamburger and he said yes, remember when you took the angiogram your arteries were 100% clear, but don’t make it a habit. I say this because for the last twenty years I was exercising and eating healthy foods but after watching this video I’m going to change over to a plant base diet. You see, occasionally I would I would eat hamburgers, fries and chicken and although it wasn’t all the time it was still bad for me. I’ve been retired for eight years and still very active and the healthier I am the better off I’ll be. Exercising and eating healthy foods and through the grace of God I’m here to tell my story. Everyone, let’s not blow it we can do this. Thank you doctor and everyone take care.
  • @shirley.9302
    I went on a plant based diet for 5 months and lowered my LDL from 133 to 97. I also walked about 10,000 steps per day. Eating this way does work.
  • @jacksns4
    My husband cleaned out two widow maker argues with Dean Ornish’s book back in 2009! But then we went all plant based so even though he is 68 and I’m 71, we have no plaque. Also we both keep off more than 55 lbs each.
  • I had a massive heart attack in Oct. 2022 They put a stint in & I have lived, so far. I do appreciate you letting me know what to eat. I had jaw pain & neck pain, no chest pain...the last straw was indigestion that lasted a week. I went to the emergency room to find out what to do to get rid of that indigestion! The stint took it away. Some of the foods that are bad, I was still eating. Until today!!!! thank you!!!! Judie
  • I'm 65 yo. and on BP meds. Doing daily yoga practice for past 6 years. My BP average is 124/84. A week ago I began a raw fruit and veggie till 4PM and LF WFPB evening meal plan. My BP is now 110/70. Huge difference in just one week.
  • ,thank you I appreciate your time and effort, both of you!! Will tweak my diet some more!
  • @carlo6912
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. This content is simply amazing...
  • I have been eating WFPB for 13 months. I have lost 45 lbs Still need to loose 100 lbs. I have hit a wall so this is very helpful. I will not give up yet
  • Zero oil and Zero animal product from our diet works like magic.i wish all the heart patient follow that magical diets
  • Don't lose weight on a Mediterranean Diet? I switched to that several months ago and promptly lost about 35 lbs and dropped my LDL to under 50, and ate a good amount of chicken and wild salmon along the way. For me it has been much more than a "slight improvement". There is so much conflicting information out there from people and doctors with very rigid views (plant based vs keto) that the Mediterranean Diet seems like a good, healthy compromise.
  • Good evening gentlemen, thank you so much for this helpful information. 😊
  • @DianeShugart
    The Mediterranean diet is misrepresented. What's never mentioned is the socio-economic context of the Keys study. Cretans in the 1950s had an overwhelmingly rural/agricultural life, i.e., lots of physical labour and mobility. Some of this movement was to forage wild greens -- a staple because it was cheap (free). Most also followed the Greek Orthodox calendar, which includes two fast days per week (no animal products or fish; it's basically vegan but honey is allowed, also some 'bloodless' seafood, eg octopus) and long fast periods throughout the year, usually before and after feasts where large quantities of food (meat, sweets) were consumed. Traditionally lunch was the main meal, with dinner consisting of a rusk or two plus a little fresh yogurt and herbal tea. Portions were also much smaller than what we eat today.
  • Following Dr, Neal Barnard for years.....Discovered Dr. Barnard on his PBS Specials and ordered his DVDs and books whee we learned so much about diet and healthy life of the top MDs in our time and age.....Thank you Chuck, for sharing the wonderful Dr. Barnard with us...
  • Great information. Thanks for sharing Dr's God bless you all ❤️