My coming out story - Matt Daly

Published 2013-03-30
well. here you go. we gettin deep into my life.
note: the reason my parents told me to take down the video was because i uploaded the conversation without telling them!

P.O. BOX 381081 Clinton Twp, MI 48038

All Comments (21)
  • @MadeOfWaffles
    This is seriously the best. I love how you are not afraid to be yourself and come out and that's a strong characteristic many people wish for! you should be proud and happy of who you are and not let anybody ruin your life or mood. You are who you are. and people will love you for the true you!
  • @BloodWolfZack
    I liked how you started out with "boundaries don't exist", It surprised me to hear that you- someone acts and appears so strong- have been having an inner battle with yourself since the SIXTH GRADE! The Hannah Montana reference was amazing, your smiles you get when you started talking about finally getting in a relationship made me smile along with you, that rollercoaster you had with your parents sounds truly saddening, but I'm glad you're strong enough to go through it! Never stop smiling! :)
  • @Victorcharlie96
    Hey, I used to watch you're videos all the time, but then I disappeared from youtube for a year and now that I'm back, I started watching them again. I really enjoy you're videos and I'm happy that you are comfortable with who you are after all that struggling. Stay strong dude :)
  • @ab0kanal
    This is one of the best coming out videos I have ever seen. You're smart, thoughtful, and eloquent and you're describing your inner thoughts so detailed and precisely. For these reasons this video is definitely going to help many young people who are in a similar situation. I watched this video several times because I like it so much ... and your personality.
  • @WickedWazz
    This is the whole reason I subscribed to you! This is like my all time favorite and helpful video on YouTube! Thank you so much for your stories and being so open!
  • @Davidoutt
    You should be so proud of yourself Matt. It takes a lot to come out, but in the end it's one of the best things you can do to no longer censor yourself in any way. But I'm so glad that I can call myself your friend, and I'm so happy that I could be a part of your coming out in any way. :)
  • @jamesfauren3994
    I stopped this video within the first 2 min just to say wow, your impressive and very articulate!
  • @IAmFara14
    This is really inspiring, glad to hear you're coming out story!
  • You know I'm proud of you and all that good ish. The video was super intriguing and I feel like your story in middle and high school will be able to correlate with other people and the world and everyone's just going to love this and I'm so proud of you, again. I just think you're awesauce and I know you know xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
  • @TheWolfeLaire
    I'm glad you're getting the encouragement from your friends. Hopefully, your parents will wake up eventually. It just sounds like they're having a tough time coming to grips with your news. :)
  • @Nichole337
    I'm so proud of you! Glad we are friends! I'm here for you whenever you need me! :)
  • @KerberosV3
    Oh when you started talking I was like, god the same exact thing happened to me, I was the same about not accepting it and not even acknowledging it. I think I am gonna make a video about my coming out story some day. You are so cute, I am glad things ended up fine with you! xx
  • @mattbee1005
    I think its brave of you to post such an honest video. I can relate to a lot of the stuff you spoke about through your school years. I don't know how much it means coming from a stranger on the internet, but the coming out process is by no means an easy one and you should be proud of yourself.
  • @BuhByeBirdy
    Words cannot describe how awesome you are..I love you Matt, you're like a mystical creature just spreading joy
  • @spirusmagnus
    heyy matt. just wanted to say i loved the video. you are like the cutest ever :D. good luck in your studies.
  • @timc9298
    I found your video very moving and your experience of coming out to yourself very much resonated with my own many years ago - in particular the discovery of just how many layers of selves there are to come out to. Those layers are designed I think to be protective but, like a kind of emotional scar tissue, can prevent us from being fully sensitive to the truth of what we feel. You have bravely begun to dare to feel.
  • @AJBlue94
    I agree 100% with the labels stuff at the beginning. Part of my whole acceptance struggle was trying to find a label that fit what I was feeling. Turns out, the labels are for OTHER ppl to classify you. They aren't for you to classify yourself. I like guys and girls, both to different degrees, but I wouldn't call myself bisexual. Others will call me that, I'm just being me.
  • @jasonreedrn
    Watching this video reminded me of so many steps I had forgotten in my own coming out story. Nicely put... and very thorough! :D
  • this is amazing...I came out last march and i watched this video and i was inspired to tell my parents, they didn't know and now they don't care. just wanted to say thank you x