The Secret of Solomon (1909) by Julian Hawthorne | Full Audiobook

King Solomon's revenues in a single year were six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold. In his 1909 book, Julian Hawthorne, an American writer and journalist, explores King Solomon’s secrets for gaining so much wealth and power.

00:00 Intro
00:08 Preface
01:54 The Secret of Solomon
03:12 How Wealthy He Was
06:22 The Geographical Problem
08:54 Solomon’s Secret of Success
12:13 The Sort of a Gambler Solomon Was
14:25 Other Gamblers
17:39 A Modern World-maker
22:58 The Company
27:40 The Talent in the Napkin
30:29 The Roll Call
32:20 Recessional
This recording is for educational purposes only! The views and opinions contained in this recording are those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of WealthBooks.
The original text is now in the public domain. However, this audiobook is not in the public domain! It is produced and owned by WealthBooks.
Copyright ©2024, WealthBooks
Original Text - Julian Hawthorne, 1909
Audio Narrating and Video Editing - WealthBooks, 2024
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