40K - The Importance of Lore & How People Don't Understand Warhammer 40,000


コメント (21)
  • I am sure many people will start screaming at me for this video. Also no Pios were mistreated during the realization of this video. Not too much at least. Also I almost had an heat stroke because of the heat in the room I was recording from, because I needed to turn off everything to do my voice lines.
  • As a writer, I have mountains of notes just for one story. You have to build a world carefully.
  • "An open mind is like a fortress, it's gates open and unbarred." - The Imperium
  • This is so Italian, that my Blood Angels are painting themselves🤌
  • @Oblivius33
    Finally some one calling out MajorKill and Bricky on their inaccuracies.
  • @spnked9516
    What a lot of people don't understand about 40k ( or Warhammer in general), especially newer fans, is that it is a setting not a narrative. It is a framework from with individual stories can be couched in. The problem with making 40k a narrative (like GW is want to do now) is that "progressing" such a story inevitably means disregarding, dismantling, or outright destroying the framework which initially facilitated it (i.e. resurrecting the Primarchs, inventing the Primaris, waking up all the Necrons, splitting the galaxy in two, etc etc). Honestly, at this rate, I feel like 40k is headed towards it own version of Fantasy's downright disrespectful End Times. Give it 5-10 years, and I think we'll see 40k have its own AoS-type "successor".
  • I think the reason why lore is so important it's because it gives people more reasons to care about the game and the setting sure Warhammer would probably still sell if it was just a tabletop war game but the Lore definitely increases the value of 40k as intellectual property in general because it's not just stuck being a tabletop war game.
  • @Fenris86
    The argument that "this is fantasy, therefore we can change what I want" is rarely a good faith argument. It is usually a debate trick or gotcha to get you to shut up.
  • Unfortunately, the issue isn’t limited to 40K. This is pervasive in many fandoms. cough fat Jedi cough Edit: and he brought The Acolyte up as an example. How ‘bout that?
  • @Shin_Godji
    One thing I would add Danny: "The Blood Games were an incredible test of a warrior’s skill and those who could participate in them deserved their accolades. Each game took place on Terra, a live exercise designed to test the defences of the Imperial Palace against assassins. The Custodian Guard used them to constantly assess their skills and seek out weak points in the Emperor’s aegis" - HH Book 42 Garo Another reason the femstodes blood game was crap and lore breaking is that it simply didn't make any sense. The whole point of the Blood Games is to test the defenses of the Imperial Palace. To see how an assassin could manage to gain access. And these tests were done by the Custodes personally. They used their own set of skills to try to infiltrate the Palace. Heck Amon Tauromachian took drugs to stop his heart so he could enter the Palace without the scans sensing him. That's what the Custodes do. They stay on Terra and use their own power to complete the Blood Game. They don't take the easy road by magically trying to teleport a freaking bomb and assassinate the Emperor. They don't go into orbit of Terra and try to force a plan by using other people. Now that I think about it.. it's an Ork plan. This is something only an Ork would think about. There have always been Ork Custodes.
  • @DnBGolf
    Geneseed is stored in the balls
  • There are many "rules of writing", and there are also writers who are skilled enough to subvert those unofficial rules. But the one rule that remains ironclad, despite rarely being mentioned, and the one rule that remains consistent across all forms of media and genres is thus: "NEVER WASTE YOUR AUDIENCE'S TIME!" Thus, if you write a story, fictional or otherwise, serious or satire, tragedy or comedy, book or movie, the one thing you must never do is make your audience believe that engaging with your story was a waste of time. This is why remaining consistent with the lore is so important, because when people are invested in your story, they'll expect their investment to pay off in the end. If you disregard the lore, and simply do whatever you wish with the story on a whim, then the audience will realize that all of their prior investment was for naught, and you have thus wasted their time. This is why lore matters, and why people who say it doesn't are not to be trusted.
  • @kpsmorera
    Ahhh yes, I was waiting for my monthly Italian gatekeeping video
  • The "citing sources" is the best bit on this channel; great work. I was actually just thinking about that yesterday. Edit: Needing to understand the lore and how changing it would impact the setting instead of just making the change because you want to? I dub this concept... Chesterton's Gatekeeping lol
  • Surprised you didn't bring up Bruva Alfabusa. TTS may be entertaining, but I'd say it has also done a bit of damage. Hell, if I'm not mistaken, Bruva Alfabusa actually backed Templin during his whole "Fem Astartes are possible if you ignore the lore" shtick. Either way, great vid, and definitely a vid that had to be made. May the Gate be kept until it no longer has to be.
  • I find it funny how Majorkill said that Arch's videos where full of lore inaccuracy's and head canon yet Majorkills lore videos have way more inaccurate then Arch's
  • The problem I have with Primaris is that it - correct me if I'm wrong - eliminates all gene seed flaws. That means Blood Angels don't have the Red Thirst, Space Wolves don't have Wulfen, and so on. They can't fall to Chaos. It just makes them different colors of army soldiers without any unique characteristics other than the things they carry.
  • I have a fun retcon, its the final battle for Vraks, Lord Hector Rex is locked in combat with the demon champion of Korner when suddenly the from tears a hole in reality. The Looney Tunes jump out and tear the entire imperial army apart and then leave. Why the heck not at this point? Great Video!
  • Honestly I love your work. Not only for the research and the passion, but also because you have the will to form concrete and well-argumented opinions and bring them forward (a behaviour I'd surely like to see more in people...). I'm not completelt sharing every thought, but I truly appreciate calling out hypocrisy and superficiality, especially in an universe where you can dive deep and find wonderful complexity. I would also make a joke on the Word Bearers planet that is made up of churches stacked upon each others, but if I learned something from this video is to double check if a bit of lore sounds too absurd or headcanony to be believed.