I’m Happier, Honest

I went to see caleb

コメント (5)
  • This evening I watched a TV programme about cancer on which Rob spoke about his decision to stop his cancer treatments. Rob chose (wisely in my opinion) quality over quantity of life. I was extremely touched by his beautiful soul and his immeasurable love for Caleb, Rob's beloved son, with whom he wanted to share whatever time he had left having qualitative life experiences in Scotland, a place extremely dear to Rob's heart. At the very end of the programme, it was shared that Rob had sadly passed away one year after his having stopped his cancer treatments. I hope it was the happiest and most precious year of Rob's though relatively short, deeply valued life. Even though I never met him, and only saw Rob briefly on a TV screen, he touched my heart deeply. Thank you for shining so very brightly whilst here Rob. I will not forget you. "Death is not the extinguishing of the light, but the blowing out of the candle because the dawn has come." ~ Rabindranath Tagore  🙏 💛
  • So glad you got to spend some time with your boy! Sending you best wishes
  • Hi please make an update video! Hoping you are well and happy!