Reuniting my Grandfather with his old motorcycle after 60 years apart!

Publicado 2020-05-15
Tired of all the negative news lately?

Enjoy this heartwarming video that I had the pleasure of documenting.

My uncle, Vince Zandbelt, tracked down, purchased and shipped my Opa's (Grandfather's) old 1956 motorcycle from Holland. He presented it to him this past weekend.

My Opa lost track of the motorcycle after leaving it in The Netherlands when he came to Canada in 1960.

When Vince was telling me the story and history of the bike I could kind of tell where the conversation was going and I had a smile from ear-to-ear. He wanted me to film Opa being reunited with his old motorcycle. I obviously jumped at the opportunity even though I knew I would get choked up filming it.

I love videos where people get reunited with their old vehicles and always wanted to film one. To have it happen in my own family was even more special. Couldn't have gone better.

Feel free to share the video to spread some positive news.

Todos los comentarios (20)
  • @knvxxx
    YouTube be like : we noticed you didn't cry today, here you go..
  • @jsmith6998
    “Is the ring larger?” I love after all that time he notices the smallest of changes. Goes to show how much time he spent with his beloved bike.
  • @waverunner6765
    It's never just a car, it's never just a truck, and it's never just a bike. It's first dates, nights with the boys, cruises with the kids, road trips and races. Nights under the stars, and days at the beach.
  • @SpaceCadet2569
    His whole face seemed 20 years younger while he was sitting on the bike. So clear, so happy. Boys never grow to old to play with their toys. Bravo.
  • @N8turenut
    “Is that ring bigger than normal” that man loved his bike and knew his bike inside and out. Wonderful.
  • @pdxripjaw
    Can we just pause for a moment, and think about the fact that this man, who can't even remember 60 years ago, or the license plate on this bike, took 1. 1 look, in person and immediately noticed the headlight ring was bigger than normal. This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen
  • @chivalrous86
    ''Sometimes we don't realise how good the good old days were until they are gone ''😊
  • @abdulhai93
    Its not the bike he is so emotional, but the memories attached with it. What a gentleman son btw!!
    When he revved the bike, it didnt have to move but he was already cruising down the memory lane
  • @lolofr1979
    He can forget almost anything..but surely he will never forget the love...for his wife and his motorcycle. Thats is a life well lived.
  • @thegibsonserver
    I lost my Dad on Father's Day this year (2021) week after celebrating 50th Anniversary. Somehow this video appeared in my 'Recommended', and now I can't stop crying.....this is the most amazing gift from son to father, and your love for your Dad and family is absolutely crushing. Thank you for sharing this with us. Going to share this with my Mom. I know she'll want to see this. Thank you so much.
  • @runejonassen3893
    I've never seen a 90yr turning 30 in about thirty seconds before. Never mind my frail body, I'm going to my bike now! Love these kinds of stories. I always cry a bit, but happily. Hoping for your Opa's good health and that he still can enjoy his bike. Love from Sweden.
  • @mrkm292
    He literally looked at least 30 years younger when he sat on that motorcycle outside! May God Be with him always
  • @jasras5003
    When I feel like a robot with no emotions, I come back to this video. Cry every time. Many tears.
  • One side of the story showed how loving the old man was to his family, to his children. This love prompted his family to put so much effort for the bike to reunite with his dad!!!
  • @bosu1855
    Moral of the story: Motorcycles are emotions
  • @glengamble526
    When this gentleman is sitting on the bike, reviving the engine-look into his eyes. He’s not there...he 30 again, barrelling down the highway, smoking a stogey and going to see the woman he loves. Incredible.
  • My dad gave me an Indian scout and I don’t think I’ll ever sell it, I’ll pass it down and in my will, I’ll make sure it will say “stays in the family”