Control your emotions and wake up

Published 2012-12-03
Control your emotions and wake up

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Important information:
All work in this video contains 100% original content of and by myself James Smith, other wise known as begood4000, and was uniquely created with Xtranormal(now renamed NAWMAL) software, by myself James Smith. As I've purchased commercial rights from Xtranormal (now renamed NAWMAL) to produce my unique and original video with this software.
Commentary is uniquely my own thoughts, feelings, and expressions.

All Comments (21)
  • I divorced my wife and got full custody of my three children due to my self-control and due to her toxic behavior which was recognized by the courts to be emotionally abusive. I speak from experience that emotional abuse is hard to recognize and address but I can certainly say that the kids recognize and will walk away from the abusive parent
  • @FIREGOD333
    wtf is this world? somehow i ended up in some alternate universe where everything is backwards and people are fucking crazy and there are demons roaming around free destroying people's souls. i thought this was supposed to be "real life" and not some fucking fiction story.
  • @begood4000
    Sadly getting rid of roles has ruined our children. Children are now raised in day cares. It's common for a child to be on some kind of psychotrop medication these days and this is because there is no more family unit, all in the name of feminism. Everything about feminism screems anti family unit. Women's rights is a great thing. Men rights is a great thing. However Feminism has caused the family unit to be broken in two.
  • Here is a list of what they usually do to their targets : - Insults their target very often. Then lie when confronted about it, or say it was a joke. - When confronted with their behavior, they pretend to be innocent and play the victim. - Everything is always your fault, even when it's obviously not. - They always have a justification for every bad thing they do. They think they're always right. - Very controlling, they tell you how to live, but they can live anyway they want. Very hypocritical. - They accuse you of what they're doing to you (RED FLAG!), it's called Projection. - Portraying themselves as angels outside, when they are actually demons with their family and especially their target. - They want you to fail, while pretending to want you to succeed (they're very convincing). - They never say they are sorry for hurting you (RED FLAG!). - Poison your favorite activities, they don't want you to be happy or to get pleasure. They also poison other useful activities like important skills which will help you in the future. They DO NOT want you to have skills, they want you to be as weak as possible. They don't teach you anything. - Subtly lead a smear campaign against their target, so they isolate it and make sure they don't get help. - When you want to leave the relationship with a narcissist, they beg you to stay with them and cry crocodile tears. They are the best actors. - Sometimes nice, sometimes cruel. You never know where you stand with them. - They pretend to be "victims", and they blame the target for their own behavior. - They are incredibly arrogant and sadistic. They see the target as weak, and deserving to suffer. - They think they are models to be followed. - They are spiritually dead although they might loudly profess some kind of Spiritual Belief.
  • Controlling your emotions is your most precious possessions.We all have untapped personal power that can transform our whole lives for once @ for all time.We are providing young people with a simple method that will give them self-confidence @ courage to overcome all obstacles that prevent them from achieving the success they want @ deserve.Because this is a new method we are providing all young people with this ground breaking discovery free of charge at[ mental training & improving life skills
  • @janethomas78
    I have a Narcissist that continues to contact via stopping at my house, writing me or texting. He always does this before a trip so he can see if I am jealous or if he needs to have something to munch on while he is on vacation with himself.... serious. The other one has his kids to munch on so he always "ghosts" me when he is on vacation munching on his kids. ... Never ends until you say STOP.
  • @kimmcleod
    begood4000, excellent video. I have been pondering the issues that you raised in this video. I am pro-family, against all forms of abuse. Any individual being abused should disengage immediately and seek knowledge on what a healthy relationship looks like and provide that to their children and to themselves.
  • @begood4000
    a man getting so angry will not allow himself to see the bigger picture & won't allow him to move forward with living a positve life.The simple reality is though it appears to be against men it's really against the family.This is what I mean at not getting angry and peeling back the onion.Calling names or getting mad doesn't help fix the problem it just makes the problem worse.However, educating people about how both men and women were duped into giving up there rolls is what we need for change
  • @begood4000
    no one's personal life choices should be looked down upon.However,those that forgo being single for life are falling into the same end goal as women did with feminism. The end goal is to seperate men and women.Once people can get past the anger, scams, bs, and brain washing can they see the entire picture. Most people don't want to be alone for life but most people in todays climate don't think they have a choice but to be alone to stay safe.The truth is there is a choice in educating both sides
  • @7125Mhz
    Wise words, indeed. Listen closely people.
  • I got custody of my three children , and walk away from that abusive relationship. congratulations if you've survive a toxic relationship, I think men deserve the same rights and yes the courts will recognize their destructive behavior, keep notes of everything and fight for your rights.
  • @runawaycat4594
    James this is exactly what im dealing with right now, I find articles and videos online about narcs fascinating, but at the same time I feel riddled with negative emotions like I was shot with a machine gun as I learn the truth. I've signed up for therapy now at least and an evening drawing class and meeting some loving family members soon too, the truth sort of shook me and made me realize, I must do something right now, trying to find some jogging partners right now to get rid of that excess fat ^^
  • @jesseturner2139
    I really appreciate your video's it's a blessing and I going through the same thing from my parents , the mother of my child , and so called friends and family
  • @Smileyyy21
    I agree with everything that was said. When I found out my ex was a narcissist I started to feel men were evil. Yet now I know that's not the case and there are just as many narcissistic women as men. 
  • @begood4000
    this video illustrates that. for men to not let their anger to allow them to miss the entire picture, because as long as women are angry at men or men are angry with women the same end goal is reached. The family unit is gone. There are many in the men's rights movement that get this but many that do not.
  • @begood4000
    thanks for the comment, but I have never used the term good feminist. That being said a man's natural instincts should be respected and there shouldn't be any allowing involved. It's just the way things are and should be. One should not have to wait for someone to allow a person to be a person. This is where there is a problem. There are many men asking permission from their female counterparts what they can and cant do. No one should have that power over another human being.
  • @begood4000
    There is no chip. Hence the message of informing others to not have anger but rational thought about the situation at hand. I'm just speaking the truth. Nothing more nothing less.