March 2024 - Future of Humanity Webinar

Publicado 2024-04-15

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • The problem with this kind of theory is that generations aren't all that clear cut. I'm a member of the Boomer generation in good standing. I'm one of 16 cousins on my father's side of the family, one of the older ones. My oldest cousin was born in 1947 and my youngest in 1965. We perfectly reflect the range most demographers give to the Boomer generation. But you realize this was an 18-year span. 18 years from my oldest to youngest cousins. The very idea that all of us had the same experiences and the same outlooks on life, as presented in this simplistic book is utter nonsense. So, continue with your skepticism. That's my response and I'm sticking with it.
  • @Daniel-Six
    I gotta hand it do you Dave... you pretty reliably say something every month regarding your past that impresses me. Didn't know you had been homeless for a while. I used to review music for an awards company, and one thing I noticed over and over in the artist biographies; some of the most talented, toughest and resilient people in that crowd were at least briefly homeless.
  • @matthewwinward
    Bryan Johnson’s Don’t Die philosophy is great. He did a podcast episode on Tom Bilyeu’s channel that was worth a listen. He mentioned starting a Don’t Die nation/network state.
  • @matthewwinward
    Tonight I watched I, Robot with my dad. He’s all doom about AI and that seems to be the norm. I told him Asimov’s 3 laws of robotics weren’t great. He asked what’s the right framework then so I told him your 3 imperatives. I just bought your books from Barnes and Noble so I can better explain it. thanks for access to your premium content videos for free!
  • @Dysto_Vibes
    "Strategic ambiguity" is more about keeping the opponent guessing whether or not you intend to be on the offensive or defensive. Specifically as it relates to weapons of mass destruction, America and also France refrain from adopting a "no first use" policy as a direct deterrent to Russia. In other words, Russia never really knows how far they can push the envelope if they never know what constitutes a valid threat for France or America to use first as an ultimate preemptive strike. And it works. If America and France both said "no first use" then Russia knows it can push in any direction on their own whim and intensity of choice and at their own pace which is a clear disadvantage for the opposition. A great offense is truly the best defense - hence why American hegemony has been so successful for so many decades. Waging wars on foreign soil means you never have conflict on your own. Defensive wars and always committing to defending means you'll eventually be forced to confront on your own soil.
  • @SolarpunkSeed
    AI-assisted/automated open source solarpunk postcapitalism unfolds 🌱☀🌊
  • @Rick-rl9qq
    26:15 yeah, in Ray Kurzweil's books he also mentions that most people have a linear view of the what it is an actual exponential growth. It starts off slow, but once it accelerates, it becomes faster and faster
  • @BoyLucid
    In reference to the meaning economy, Im learning Spanish amongst other languages and my goal is to be a travel guide of sorts which should allow me to make money as well as live out my dream of experiencing the world. Thats how I plan to direct myself.
  • @ArginGerigorian
    Overall very good webinar! You hit all the main points One question: what’s the best thing to do in our industry?
  • @tomcraver9659
    I prefer to call the new generation "Gen double-A" - i.e. after "Z", often the next designation is "AA". And it's a battery size, which helps. Followng would be the "BB's", or the "ABs".
  • @saipalsingh6411
    The problem that I think of dividing a period of time to four parts, and saying it repeats is that; The current period of time is the first of its kind, and so was the War, silent gen, millennial etc. How can one see a pattern and say it is going to repeat, when everything is happening for the first time ever.
  • @dilldev
    @DaveShap have you checked out the KillDay fiction series by William Ledbetter? They follow the multi-ASI future you mention here.
  • @ReubenAStern
    With AI lying on peoples behalf with fake videos and stuff I can really imagine people only focusing on what will immediately affect them and the ones they care about.
  • @XetXetable
    The whole debt cycle discussion is nonsense. It's based on a single datapoint, a past debt spike happened and other bad things happened at the same time, therefore, any similar debt spike must indicate similar things despite there being only one example. It's technical analysis. It's foolish. There's no actual there there. Additionally, the dynamics of the economy during the 40s is completely different to now since we switched from the gold standard to fiat; debt literally isn't the same thing it used to be. How, mechanically, could debt under the modern US economic system lead to economic turmoil? It's literally just the money supply. Didn't use to be, but it is now. Increasing debt these days is just increasing the money supply. It leads to inflation, but that's not going to collapse the economy.
  • @morockapdx7174
    I think you should reach out to Bart Erhman or Richard Carrier, about the early christian, and early judaeo-christian era and their practices. Not saying your wrong, but these are some of the experts in the field and they are on polar opposites regarding, Jesus historicity, but to me, that is good. Because, they agree about almost everything else.