#154 - Dr. Debra Soh - The End of Gender

Published 2023-03-20
Dr. Debra Soh is a sex neuroscientist, the author of “The End of Gender,” and the host of “The Dr. Debra Soh Podcast.” She has appeared on The Megyn Kelly Show, The Joe Rogan Experience, Real Time with Bill Maher, The Daily Wire’s “What Is A Woman?”, and many others. 
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All Comments (17)
  • Well if you expect activists to operate in reality you are in for an educational experience
  • @busbey61
    Guest Request: fmr SEAL, Chris Beck He was on Mike Ritlands podcast and Shawn Ryan's
  • I agree we should address underlying issues and let kids be kids. I grew up with no knowledge of transition, I tried to fight my feelings as an adult. But I'm happy now, I made the right choice as an adult. If someone can be trans without being raised to know about it, that shows at least my generation come to this feeling from inside.
  • I'm so glad you brought up that monster Russell Williams, but it was disappointing that Dr. Soh wouldn't acknowledge how often AGP's are misogynists and that they have **NO** place in women's spaces.
  • Where did grown men grind on children? or expose themselves? I've never heard of thar. Every drag event with an kind of nudity or sex stuff I've attended have been strictly 18+.
  • @johnhamel4662
    One cannot change their sex, because one’s sex is expressed at the level of chromosomes and gametes. If you believe that you can, you are either a lying woke ideologue, a complete idiot, or insufferably naïve and confused. I am a very liberal person (pro-choice, pro-gun control, higher taxes on the rich, break up the large corporations, universal health care, etc.) who is passionately devoted to the rights of individuals to live as they wish, so long as they don’t harm the rights of others. I am an agnostic, and decidedly NOT a religious conservative. But if we, as a society, are going to fight back successfully against the woke trans agenda, all of us, regardless of our political leanings, have to work together. Please consider this argument from a traditional leftist: Gender is the expression of one’s sex, which is either female or male. Because sex is binary, gender is binary. Gender is a product of our genetic makeup as well as culture. So, although men and women share most characteristics, there are some inherent differences, and these are not just the physical attributes of size and strength, but include some brain and hormonal differences that, on the whole, make men somewhat more competitive and willing to take risks, and women somewhat more emotionally intelligent and socially cooperative. These inborn tendencies contribute to one’s level of maleness or femaleness, but of course male and femaleness are also influenced by the society one grows up in, and there is therefore a wide range of ways that femaleness and maleness can be expressed. So, the idea of gender fluidity is not even remotely a revolutionary one. There are girl tomboys and men who don’t like to fight and prefer gardening and who cry at movies. No need to postulate 178 genders; ever since the 1960’s, we liberals have advanced the notion, very successfully, that one need not be trapped in traditional gender roles. It has been accepted by most people for many decades that one should be able to dress as they wish, and to identify as they wish. Remember the androgenous Pat on Saturday Night Live? Even Megan Kelly enjoyed drag shows when she was in her 20s. But putting on makeup and a dress doesn’t make you a “woman.” If that’s what it took, then women who wear jeans and tee shirts and go without makeup would not be women. Putting on makeup and a dress is a biological man’s way of showing he world that he identifies as female (in the most obvious gender-conforming way possible, of course), which is his right. But identifying as someone from the opposite sex is merely a mental exercise, no more real that someone identifying as Elvis Presley. The fiction that one is Elvis, no matter how many people go along with it, ends the moment that person appears at Graceland claiming a piece of the estate. Words have meaning, and meaning cannot be instantly changed. A bicycle is not the moon, and a tablecloth is not a mountain. End of story. In reality, nobody changes their sex. That is why biological males cannot be allowed to compete with biological women in sports, or invade women’s bathrooms, prisons, and other spaces. I’m all for progress, but the extreme trans agenda is not progress. It’s a dangerous cult that needs to be stopped.
  • People don't choose to be trans to 'fit in' to the Queer community. There are SO MANY ways to 'fit in' and belong without being trans or non-binary. It's not peer pressure. The criteria to be medically trans is about a very individual experiences of distress and discomfort related to your body and social role. Learning to skate is peer pressure, begging your mum to get rid of your breasts or penis is not peer pressure.
  • Interesting to hear the idea that 'bottom surgery' and hormones is the 'cut off'. I agree there are different scenarios with different stages. But trust me transition doesn't come cheap. Many people live years saving up between surgeries. This is not to force others to see that, most trans people I know are very private about their genitals and would never walk nude around a change room.
  • If someone doesn't transition cause they read a book, I'm guessing they weren't trans?
  • As a trans person my goal is not to 'convert' other people to transition. I transitioned as an adult and I agree with having lots of gatekeepers and checks and balances to protect vulnerable kids. In my country (Australia) children are not allowed to transition medically, they are put on blockers and given time to grow up and see if it is a phase or a good life path. Doctors make this choice, not ordinary trans folk or random drag queens.
  • @sunshynff
    I keep asking this question on tons of videos about gender roles and I've yet to get an answer..... If gender is universally biological, and science can prove it, why are there so many societies that still exist today and even more in the history of our species, who have more than two distinct genders, or have two distinct genders that do not match what modern Western society defines as masculine and feminine traits of men and woman. Scientifically, something that is universally biological would be found to be true throughout the history of our species regardless of the time or location on the planet, and that's just not the case.