StarCraft 2 FIGHT CLUB (Extreme Quality) - Ep. 3

Published 2022-05-02
Watch huge A.I. armies battle it out in the StarCraft 2 Legacy of the Void Fight Club. Can you predict the winner of each round?
In Episode 3 of the Fight Club, Banelings, Marauders, Mothership, Archons (Archon Toilet), Battlecruisers, Ghosts, Ultralisks, Predators, Marines, Zealots, Zerglings, Widow Mines, the Zerg Army and the Protoss Army fight AI battles in the Fightclub arena. Thumbnail: 1000 Banelings

0:00 Fight 1
1:07 Fight 2
2:15 Fight 3
4:20 Fight 4
5:30 Fight 5
6:50 Fight 6


All Comments (21)
  • @StuGames
    As always, make sure to select the highest quality setting that works for you to make the video look much better!
  • @JKRevanBR
    That archon toilet was the thing of the utmost purity of form
  • @EndarkenShrine
    What is this Marauder so happy about? he just witnessed 999 of his mates getting massacred.
  • @SimplyDuker
    That Marauder being the sole survivor of the massacre hits me in the feel. Imagine being in his shoes.
  • @WJen8
    Lmao that poor creature that got shot by the marauder was probably all "AH wtf bruv I just wanted to watch, the hell did I ever do to you?!"
  • @InfoRanker
    Omg that last Marauder has 1 hell of a story to tell his kids.
  • @insomnia20422
    Fight 1 Me: "This is not even gonna be close. Easy marauder win." After 20 seconds: "Told you, not even close." 😅👍
  • The choke point is such a determining factor to the strength of these troops
  • @artstsym
    For those wondering about "archon toilet," archons do splash damage in a pretty small area, up to 100% in an extremely tiny point. Normally it'd be impossible for that many units to be that close together, but vortex almost does the job with fliers (the few fractions of a second they had to push apart meant that a few lucky BC survived the first volley). Or rather, as noted by the epitaph, it USED to.
  • @Bronawix
    Someone's PC got an upgrade! That was awesome! Glad to see you back doing Starcraft stuff!
  • That Marauder is unfortunately EVERYONE'S work emergency contact. His phone gunna blowup.
  • @HighMojo
    That Ursadon that was just observing being killed by the Marauder was totally uncalled for.
  • @Kroepoek82
    This was INSANE! you put so much work into it. Loved it. Super quality. I wish the big streamers would pick up on your series.
  • @Urono
    Got all of them correct ^^ the bane vs marauder one was way too close for comfort Keep up the amazing work stu!
  • @jozomrkva4497
    It was nice seeing the Predators being actually useful for a change.
  • Damn that's so tense What a thrilling fight Love your stuff ❤️
  • @knusperkurt
    Nice Turnaround for the Protoss-Army in Fight 6 =)
  • @Nighthawk20000
    Wasn't expecting the absolutely flawless blink micro to save that protoss army haha