The (Second) Revelation of St John

Publicado 2013-05-02
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A second Apocalypse of John given to him on Mt. Tabor.

All audio read by myself, Robert C Ferrell. All Rights Reserved.
A Public Domain Text is available at:

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @beckyevans1154
    my favorite saying : The Lord didn't hide these Books from us; He hid them for us !
  • @bobcad1234
    I am crying. What a blessing! In these last days, books are being open to us. Yeshuah is about to return. We sing Hosanna to the most High.  
  • Revelation 22:18-19 " For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If ANY MAN shall ADD👈 unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:  And if ANY MAN shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • @Apocryphile1970
    As for who wrote it, I think it could have been one of the concealed writings or teachings from early on. Some things might have only been passed down orally. Even the Book of Revelation speaks of things that could not be written down. Things of this sort were kept back for us to use, such as he book of Enoch. Enoch further speaks of Scriptures to be given to us.
  • @timothyp7331
    We must be "cautious as serpents" when exploring these writings. This book was a favorite of Sethian Gnostics who believed in "secret knowledge" handed down to certain people. Though it appears to be written in the 2nd Century, there is no evidence of it being written by John. Furthermore, it contradicts the other Gospels in many ways like: what happens to the sinners after death, what happens to the faithful and in the description of the Antichrist. Some of these "hidden texts " are definitely inspired by God, but some are definitely not.
  • @crxpunkb16
    Thank God for these extra biblical writings, they really help clarify the truth. I would rather put my trust in writings like these rather than the murky star war like christian propaganda we hear from these end time raptirists who wanna argue when the rapture is... Id argue that there is no rapture as we know it. Just like this teaching says we dont go to God he comes to us. Praise God.
  • @MaryJanis
    Thank you for this! It's sad that one group has power to choose what we could read about our Messiah and His kingdom. I'm blessed it's been made available to His seekers of truth.
  • @WalkInTheShem
    "My kingdom is Not of this world" Yahuhanan (John) 18:36
  • @Apocryphile1970
    It makes sense that if we can decode it, and understand it, it was intended for us to decode and understand. The fact that it is usable in this regard implies that it exists for that very purpose.
  • @knowyourlove5613
    Thank you for all your work and making these books public. And thank you for opening your comment section and allowing us to use our First Amendment rights which is precious to us, especially us Protestant. May our father in heaven will be done.
  • @carriebrill5660
    Thank you Robert for ALL you've done for all the believers may Yeshua walk with us all forever
  • @jennifersiagian
    Enoch and Elias the two witnesses.. EDITED July 6/21 : I was wrong.. It is Moses and Elas just as the Bible says Mtt 17:1-8 I learned a lot since I posted the first reply
  • @stretchdaily7290
    There is a book that contained many more books from the Old Testament and New Testament than the normal bible, but it contained books I had never seen or heard before as well as the books from the bible I had grown up reading. The size of this book was very big and it was very old. The new books I had never seen were very similar to the bible I had grown up with, but the new books contained new prophecies, and new scriptures I had never encountered before. I remember books titled the second and third book of Peter; also, the second and third book of James. There were a fourth and fifth book of John. Even more interesting to me, the last three books of this bible were titled, the first book of Revelation, the second book of Revelation, and the third book of Revelation. The third book of revelation was the same as the book of revelation we have in our bibles today. As I remember, the first two books of revelation detailed to events leading up to the final book that we know now. After skimming through the new books located in this old book, I put it back on the shelf and never mentioned it to anyone until years later. I always assumed others would read this book and knowledge of it would become popular one day. I cannot find this complete version of the Lost Books of the Bible. I have located a short version of the “Lost books of the Bible”, but it only contained a few lost New Testament books. Not the overall summary of biblical writings that I enjoyed many years ago. Please, if you have any information that would help my search I would be extremely grateful to you if you would share what you know about these lost books.
  • @chaerim125
    Glory to God for this wonderful revelation!
  • @vikingmop978
    Thanks for the audio recording of this, have been reading it over the last year or so nice to be able to listen along while I work.
  • @rebupc
    I only got about 7 1/2 minutes in, but he had already contradicted the Bible a couple times. If I understood this correctly he was saying everyone dies before Jesus comes back, and that we will not be in a physical body at the resurrection but only spirit. That would make it a false teaching.
  • @BlakeHardeman
    This book comes from a series of books called Ante-Nicene Fathers Volume 8. It's basically a collection of writings before the Council of Nicea.
  • @manfalls1521
    so the earth is layed waste, and all life is killed. Then the righteous are collected to a cloud, then the wicked collected to a cloud and only after that Jesus comes? But it goes on to say that every knee will bow at his coming. So how can anything bow when everything is laid waste and no longer on earth? Hmmm this seems very strange. Very different styles of literature compared to the original revelation as well.