How to Cook Dinner in Latin 🍝 Pasta with Tomato Sauce

Publicado 2022-11-19
Let's cook pasta in Latin! This is the simple recipe I use to make rigatoni with tomato sauce. In this video you will learn how to say in Latin: basil, garlic, tomato, clove, salt, water, and all the vocabulary relating to cooking. Enjoy!

Subtitles available in English and Latin.

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#pasta #latin #comprehensibleinput

00:00 Intro
00:26 Grocery Shopping
02:40 Ingredients
02:50 Preparation
05:00 Outtakes
05:53 Always was

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @annjay2581
    Him: "Pasta for 1 person!" The cameraman: 👁👄👁
  • @ProfeSeb
    I love the idea of latin comprehensible imput videos! 🤩
  • It is quite the thing hearing garlic refered to as "allium" when i know such words to be the names of whole genus
  • @lobodawolf7796
    Nova vocabula hac pellicula mihi discita: - ferculum - opsonatio - chiramaxium - ocimum - quodlibet - recens - aliquantillum - accendo - ferveo - insero - haereo - promptus - catillus Multas gratias, Luci!
    The guy that speaks Latin: I'm gonna go buy some stuff for cooking in Latin. Also that guy: The first thing is tomatoes.
  • This is the kind of high quality content that i like to find in my subscription feed. Pls more 🥺
  • I discovered this channel (and Polýmathy as well) a few weeks ago and I have to say that your enthusiasm for Latin has renewed my old desire to learn the language. I have just purchased the LLPI Familia Romana and plan to start my studies in December. I'm Brazilian, so my native language is closer to Latin. I hope I can make quick progress to read Cicero and Erasmus in the original as soon as possible. 😏
  • @YiannissB.
    You're becoming a truly unique regarding YouTube content! What a great way to show that Latin isn't just for reciting Cicero and Virgil. BTW, lycopersica? What's the story behind the word? I know tomatoes were not endemic to Europe and I supposed they were brought from the Americas, like potatoes. And how's prices in Italy lately? 😂
  • @ikbintom
    That's a simple recipe, I like it! Bon appetit, and Gesundheit for the last seconds!
  • @emilianozasa541
    straordinario!!!! simpatico, divertente, diverso dal solito!!! un anglosassone che ci tira fuori dalla moda omologante e provinciale di essere tutti anglofili. Gratias!!!
  • @equeslituanus
    Cena parata est. Linguam Latinam amo. Vereor ne linguae oblitus sum. Volo re-discere. Vale!
  • @Ghostscar
    Man, I love watch this videos, I can see from where my language born. So many words are basically the same. Greetings from Brazil.
  • @FlexibleFlyer50
    I'm glad that you making pasta with tomato sauce. But, as far as I remember, the ancient Romans didn't have pasta or tomatoes. Your video brought back some good memories of making about 50 jars of sauce at the end of the summer. It was a labor intensive process, but the finished product was like a ray of Sicilian sunshine every time we had some type of pasta with the sauce. Sometimes we need a jolt from the past to remind us of the happy memories we experienced years ago. Keep up the good work! And let's not forget the meatballs and sausage!
  • @MusaPedestris
    EST! EST! EST! - scilicet, quod aliud? Quam pulchruuum! :D Est optima idea pelliculae faciendae, cuius generis et Stephanus et ego facere in animo habebamus. Nam utilissimum est ciborum nomina scire! Ego non tam bene scio nomina ciborum – e.g. usque ad hodiernum nesciebam bananas musas (haha) vocari basilicumque ocimum! Persaepe simpliciter italicis nominibus utor, sed magis iuvat scire latinas. Ei, bonum consilium est lycopersica tota nec concisa inferre, sic proxima vice faciam! ESURIOO!!!
    I simply love this channel man! 💪🏻
  • @Cyclonus2377
    Just happened to catch this one just now. Not sure why I didn't get the notification when it originally posted - I have all your notifications turned on... Anyway, I have some big news: After all the time I've spent being fascinated by your videos. Especially the ones centered around languages... I finally decided to start learning Latin. I started the course for it on Duolingo. Which as I'm sure you know is a relatively new course. And at least as of right now there aren't many lessons. So with that, plus me starting so late to begin with... I probably will just scratch the surface, at best. But just what I've learned so far has really shed some light on where many words, in many languages, come from. And my other languages that I've studies are making learning Latin a little easier. But not too easy... Anyway... Gratias ago pro alia praeclara video. Proximum tempus!