More Sounds Of The Department Store

Published 2022-09-11
More great tunes from Bruton and other classic music libraries. Recorded onto a 1973 Scotch High Energy cassette for that warm tone with some hiss to simulate a foggy memory of times past.

All Comments (21)
  • @TH3PLA1NP1L0T
    POV: It's been 2 hours, your knees are weak, and your mom is still talking to her friend that she bumped into
  • i think society would be a little better if we collectively brought this back
  • @craigmatthews4656
    "Attention shoppers...the time is currently 8.50pm....this store will be closing in 10 minutes time....please finalise your shopping and make your way to the checkouts....this store will reopen at 9am tomorrow for your convenience."
  • @EmilyTienne
    I wish grocery store chains would experiment by playing this music once again. No one would object …and everyone would stay a little longer browsing the shelves.
  • @vainglorias
    now that i work at a supermarket, i kinda wish they would play songs like this sometimes. listening to the same 50 pop songs makes you go a little insane πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
  • @ichigo.42ga3
    Bring this back, the retail workers are sick of the chainsmokers 😭
  • @grumblekin
    It's 1985 and I am in a store that still has avocado-colored carpet and brown walls. Mom is checking out clothes and I am sitting in the middle of a round clothes rack so I can be hidden from everyone in my teepee of solitude. We are going to Chick-Fil-A soon and I will get a new book from Waldenbooks today. School starts soon and I can't wait to see all the new kids and make new friends and learn new things. My cat is at home, waiting for me, and we will play with her favorite feather toy. I will sleep deeply and dream vividly. My entire life is ahead of me and I can't wait to see what it brings. I will never forget. And these songs will help me remember. Thank you for these memories!
  • If listening to this awesome department store mix can bring back my mom, so be it. x
  • @andrewc.2952
    Why can't we play this in stores now? I'm so serious.
  • @Carpetwurm
    im really hoping department stores and malls ironically go back into style due to nostalgia
  • @kerry7932
    I listen to this while shopping online. Sometimes I'll wander around my house pretending to look for customer service.
  • My mother worked in malls her whole life and couldn't afford child care, but the clothing racks and hiding behind the service counters are free! I loved it, I miss all the malls I grew up playing in. Watching them go under and get dozed still stings. Who else was a mall baby??
  • @baroque_lad
    I worked at a small town grocery store that played music like this in the 2010's. It really was nice to hear this behind the cart wheel noises and cashier machine's beeps. When the store was empty and it was just the music I'd get super sleepy and try to keep myself awake by reading the newspaper. I worked New Years Eve and it was stressful but pretty magical- we had lines of people with stuffed carts full of holiday food and lots of old looking decorations that our management would put up. I loved working in the mornings because I would be on the first register and around 7am the sunlight would hit the store just right to make my aisle glow. Right before I left for college my manager let us stay and shop after hours and we had a cookout in the parking lot. I still have my name tag nearly ten years later cuz I loved that job so much
  • @tomshiba51
    We high school students used to joke about this music back in the early seventies, but now I fondly look back at those wonderful times when I took for granted this very music. Every Christmas season, I find the K-Mart Christmas tape of 1974 and play that. I do hope you provide something as well. Thank you for your channel.
  • @user-zb4he1to1g
    I'm 64 years old and as a child I really enjoy this music. I remember when they started changing it. I did not like it and when I spoke up, no one would ever listen. SO REFRESHING READING YOUR COMMENTS
  • @okeoi
    I love the comment sections in uploads like this one. No arguing, no hostility, just people vibing together and sharing stories.
  • @sum1has2
    I was grocery shopping at Kroger and β€œWelcome To The Jungle” by Guns-n-Roses was one of the songs playing. There’s something to be said for this ambient music instead of β€œbaby, you’re gonna die!” being screamed at you while you put the Cap’n Crunch in your cart…
  • In the 60s, visiting a good department store was like entering a soft, quiet, plush world that smelled good and felt safe. I always headed straight to the TV section with the banks of screens and cabinet stereo systems.
  • There's got to be a reason this music has largely been abandoned in grocery & dept. stores and wherever. This music was proven to keep people peaceful and in a good mood while they worked and shopped. Various experiments by industrial phycologists used music , lighting and various other phenomena/factors to determine the best possible work and shopping and learning environment back in the 40&50's and it worked. Now it's the heavy beat and driving beat in our music that I notice in stores and wonder if we are poisoning ourselves or rather our minds and increasing crime, anger, anxiety etc. There's probably something to it.