Racist Asshole Fired After Mocking Coworkers Child

Publicado 2015-10-06
A man on Facebook posted a picture of himself and a 3 year old black boy, and then proceeded to mock the child on the social media site. Not only did he make fun of the boy but other coworkers and friends did too. Gerod Roth took the picture with young Cayden Jayde who is the son of one of his colleagues. He and his fellow workers who were mocking the boy have been fired. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian (The Point) hosts of The Young Turks discuss.

Should Roth have been fired? Why do these people think its funny to mock a little boy just because he’s black? Let us know in the comments below.

Read more here: www.salon.com/2015/10/05/racist_facebook_users_rel…

“Internet trolls rarely make sense but they are usually tucked away to the dark corners of comment sections or pass themselves off as eggs on Twitter. But now we’ve reached the juncture when racist internet trolls are so shameless that they freely use their Facebook profiles and full names to spout their disgusting nonsense.

That was the case when a defenseless and rather adorable three-year-old boy became the center of racist and abusive Facebook comments after a white Georgia man decided to sneak a selfie with the child and post it to his page for all his trollish friends to lampoon, implying that the child was a slave and referring to him as “sambo.”


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Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)


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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @ddw34
    lol those people making the slave jokes would be the first ones to tell blacks to forget about slavery and move on.
  • @lolabigcups7121
    What's fucked up is there will be folks that will swear up and down this had nothing to do with race.
  • @josesampaio5345
    If it was my kid, losing his job would be the least of his problems... Don't mess with kids. Never...
  • @SandraNelson063
    I'm glad the people were fired. I would HATE having to work in the same company as those scumbags.
  • @kylemundy8871
    Black Americans, move on up here to Canada. We love you
  • @IBBMS
    This literally brought tears to my eyes, this little boy is 3-years-old, 3! How fucking dare these GROWN ass adults refer back to racial caricatures, call him a slave, and demean this poor baby like that. He's fucking 3! It just shows you how despicable a lot of white people are when a 3-year-old is stripped of their innocence just because they're black. 3!
  • @hype101
    Why would you ever feel the need to clown a child no matter what the ethnicity? Freakin sickos
  • @thomasvogele7837
    This little boy is so sooocute, I can not imagine that someone is so ugly to him. Except he's a really disgusting racist idiot. I don't know how it is in the US, but here in Hessen (Germany), parents can and should sue him until he starts crying. Cheer up little Cayden, not all people are like this evil evil man.
  • @vadermike7772
    Best quote i have heard in a long time. "when i see black kid, I see a kid, when they see a black kid, they see black". Well said!
  • @cindydo8781
    The little boy is so cute! His skin is beautiful.
  • @LinuxAndroid86
    Trump has open the Pandora box for racists to express themselves
  • @MrHueJazz1
    This guy is going to have trouble getting work again. Any potential employer is bound to come across this.
  • @Strocake
    How dare that racist talk about that precious little boy.
  • @r.mcbride2837
    NORMAL people would look at the photo and think, "Oh, my! What an adorable little boy!". I'm with Cenk. What level of the sewers do these minds operate at that they would see that little boy and their minds would even go there. It creeps me out.
  • @LizLuvsCupcakes
    I know this is awful, but can we address the fact that Cayden is absolutely precious?
  • @suruha2306
    My daughter's children are mixed and they are beautiful! They are wonderful children, as well! A guy I know asks me, every time he sees me, "Don't they call them mulattos?" My response is always, "I wouldn't know. I call him grandson!"
  • @jifftube9131
    If i was the father he would have to schedule these hands