Predator 2 - re:View

Published 2024-04-13
Colin is back to talk to Jay about Predator 2, sketchy movie theaters, and giant pants. Predator 2 was not well received when it was released and it flopped. That didn't stop 20th Century Fox from desperately trying to turn this thing into a franchise. Is Predator 2 all that bad? Jay and Colin's reaction may shock you! (or not)

All Comments (21)
  • @K_Rob
    Danny Glover has stated in interviews this is his second favorite performance he’s ever done because he was allowed to be a proper action star. He pushed himself to get into the shape of his life at 42-years old and just went for it. Glad to see the film steadily growing in popularity 33-years later.
  • @Fe22234
    That was a heart warming story of Colin watching Predator 2 in his dad's favorite porno theater.
  • @Maximilian_Dood
    That Predator invisible alley walking scene is one of my favorite VFX shots ever. I still got no clue how it looks so good.
  • @dbeane43
    For years I thought everyone regarded Predator I & II equally. When I found out otherwise I was perplexed. Schwarzenegger and Glover’s characters were simultaneously completely different and the same in the best way. And I friggin loved King Willy man.
  • @ffandbffan
    “Pants Trophy Effects By” has to be the crowning credit of Colin’s career.
  • @tonypine3434
    "he's in town with a few days to kill" is the greatest tagline ever
  • @SinaKec
    I love how Colin says: "She has like anime hair." clearly thinking about the Golden Age of anime OVAs during the 80s when in fact modern anime characters and hairstyles look so wildly different. Colin is truly a G.
  • @SkullDixon
    The best thing about the first Predator movies is that they both start out as a different genre and then suddenly you're in a scifi action thriller instead. The First movie is the typical 80s Soldier/Special Ops and the second one starts as a gritty, Hard Boiled cop movie.
  • @yawnberg
    I don't know how much effort was put into that pants trophy shot but it was totally worth it.
  • @NovaBlueNova
    For a second I thought "Wow that pants trophy shot was really good" and then I remembered their guest is a professional vfx artist
  • @matvarela
    I always thought the predator's motivation was to hunt Danny Glover's character after witnessing him be a total badass in the opening scene, marking him as the ultimate trophy. It starts taking his team members as an indirect challenge and even kills King Willy after he gives advice. I guess that's what the Predator did in the first movie, as well. It saved Arnold for last after identifying him as the ultimate warrior and leader.
  • @Qwazin
    I feel like not enough people talk about Alan Silvestri's scores. He's a bit hit or miss, but when he cranks out a proper banger like the themes for Back to the Future, Predator, Forest Gump and Avengers, they are legendary.
  • @leemoore5751
    The Predator walking through the water, and the reveal in the reflection, is one of the best FX sequences ever.
  • @Buraz93
    That scene where Predator slowly walks towards King Willie, while water messes up its cloak is so superb and creepy.
  • @greigjohnson
    The subtitles turned 'Gary Busey' into 'Scary Music', which is what he's called now.
  • @kerbal666
    I'm this old today (42) when Lo Wang in Shadow Warrior says "Ancient Chinese Secret" was a reference to a bloody washing power advert from the 70s America!!!
  • @FrobozzInc
    The nerd guy on the train was a reference to Bernard Goetz, who shot a gang member in the NY subway. His trial was pretty famous in the 80s. In Predator 2 the extrapolation is that all commuters will be armed like Goetz
  • @Bacteriophagebs
    The first I heard about Predator 2 was on some entertainment show, and I remember the hostess saying, "Unlike the first movie, where Arnold used his brawn to defeat the Predator, Glover has to use his brains to triumph in the sequel." Then I saw both movies and realized that whoever wrote that BS hadn't seen either movie, because that's the exact opposite of what happens in both movies. Arnold outsmarts the Predator with the mud and traps, while Glover just beats it in hand-to-hand combat using its own weapon. It taught me not to trust reviews and previews.
  • @BlueBoy0
    The predator stealth effect was done with chroma key using a guy in a red suit. It was like how'd you do an invisibility effect, except you apply a distortion to the background before covering the guy's outline with it.
  • @BuddhaFpv
    no one ever mentions the fact that the person that worked on the alien skulls for the trophy room was Adam Jones of TOOL he also worked on elm st. 5, terminator 2, Jurassic park and a bunch of other stan winston projects