Horrible horse fail- FULL VIDEO 4K #equestrian #horseriding #horsefail #showjumping #4khorsefail

Publicado 2024-02-14

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @FinsMom
    This horse looked tired from the get go . Even it's breathing sounded off . Glad they're okay .
  • To me the horse looks pretty tired... Struggling more and more with each fence... I hope they're both ok though especially after rolling over on one of the poles... 😢
  • @LindaDochod
    The whole ride looked out of control by rider. Nothing was in sync. Horse was struggling and rider was off balance for most of the ride. Glad everything turned out well.
  • @fraunamenlos3533
    Unmöglich. Das Pferd hat von Anfang Unbehagen angezeigt...höher weiter schneller auf Kosten der Tiere. Sowas muss endlich aufhören
  • The problem was that she did not approach the jump correctly and the horse started jumping from a further distance that needed. The solution would have been to make sure the horse made a small stride before jumping.
  • It always gets me how the riders will struggle to handle the horses when they are on the ground, but the minute the grooms show up, the horses will calm down. Makes me wonder what kind of bond do the riders have with the horses.
  • @jarkieconqueso
    It looked to me as though the rider was jumping fences slightly beyond her ability to safely navigate over them.
  • @user-ef1fj1fk3c
    The horse looked tired and unfocused through out. Sour from competition. The fall was completely the rider's fault. Sometimes it's best not to push to the limits
  • After the horse fell and bend That scared me a bit because I know that's how horses can get killed.
  • @boriskrueger3888
    Man hat es schon bei den vorherigen sprüngen gesehen das das Pferd zögerlich und unpassend kam. ich hoffe ihm ist nichts passiert😢
  • @joythesylveon496
    I hate how she didnt stop earlier. The horse was clearly uncomfortable and she just immediately put the bridle back on when the horse nearly broke its neck
  • @songbirds3712
    Horrible horse fail??? More like terrible rider fail! She by no means should have been riding that horse. It was obvious at the first fence that she was not able to handle him.
  • Horse looks absolutely exhausted☹️ I’m so fricken tired of seeing people with big egos cause their horses pain…enough already. This fall was entirely her fault. Also the fact the announcer says “yup it’s grass it can be unpredictable and slippery” ok then why tf are the competitions being held on grass???
  • @davidstaley3737
    Ouch, glad they are both ok--but they both need a chiro now. best of luck on their return to the jumping ring, what a great team!
  • @mandyaitken3406
    Horse lands on face, nearly breaks neck, the rider shows zero concern, offers zero comfort, has zero interest in the pain and distress the horse is enduring. Horse, nearly breaks neck. Rider "Woops i made you land on your face, now stand still and cope with the pain while i slap this bridle back on." I have heard that one explanation as to the horrific treatment horses in "Sport" receive is that professional equestrians dispute that horses can actually feel pain. Seems daft, but looking at the grotesque things dressage, jumping and race horses are subjected to, it seems plausible. Its just abuse.
  • @janmeyer3129
    Yeah, and putting the focus on the height of the jumps detracts from the aspects of dealing with a show jumping course that reflect responsiveness, flexibility, judgement, communication between rider & horse etc
  • This horse was struggling long before that fall. Not sure if it was a case of being tired, off day, or maybe the horse isn't even up to this level yet.
  • @user-oz4fr6hx6b
    It's all gone too far , pushing horses so far past what they would naturally do , harming legs , necks and backs in the name of sport . The animals are well insured and therefore treated ad disposable